FluidTYPO3 / vhs

TYPO3 extension VHS: Fluid ViewHelpers
189 stars 228 forks source link

Correct argument type, fixes #1508 #1672

Open foobar13372 opened 4 years ago

foobar13372 commented 4 years ago

Is anyone still working on this extension?

https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/vhs/issues/1508#issuecomment-523790958 says a pull request speeds up fixing this absolutely trivial task. Now it's here and gets still ignored.

If ext:vhs is abandoned please make an official announcement to save everyones time....

NamelessCoder commented 4 years ago

Is anyone still working on this extension?


1508 (comment) says a pull request speeds up fixing this absolutely trivial task.

While it might look trivial to you, it changes public API and therefore may need to wait for a new major version to be close to release. My initial comment to you also informed you that it is a semi-low priority issue.

Now it's here and gets still ignored.

Pending for 12 days does not mean "ignored". There's a space of 11 months between my initial comment to you and this PR being created (which means the change wasn't included in the last major version, 6.0) so I can only assume it isn't extremely high priority for you either.

If ext:vhs is abandoned please make an official announcement to save everyones time....

My advise: be more patient when contributing to open source. Don't write passive-aggressive messages and remember that while this may be ultra important from your point of view, it may not be so from the majority of users' points of view.

That said: please change the type to iterable as initially recommended. This will make the PR ready for merging but as mentioned, it may not be merged and included in a release until the next major version is coming up.