FluidTYPO3 / vhs

TYPO3 extension VHS: Fluid ViewHelpers
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Vhs 6.0.3 Call to a member function getRequest() on null #1673

Closed prdt3e closed 4 years ago

prdt3e commented 4 years ago

Click to Site-Configuration -> add news Site-Configuration.

Call to a member function getRequest() on null typo3conf/ext/vhs/Classes/ViewHelpers/Extension/AbstractExtensionViewHelper.php line 55

VHS: 6.0.3 Typo3: 10.4.5

NamelessCoder commented 4 years ago

It appears that you have some template which is being rendered inside the site configuration view (could be a Flux content element or page template) in which you use a ViewHelper from within the v:extension.* scope and which you do not provide the extensionName when calling.

The ViewHelpers within that scope either require that you specify the extension name as argument, or use the ViewHelper as part of a frontend request executed by a controller because the extension name is only possible to extract from the controller context - and it doesn't exist unless the mentioned condition is met.

To solve this, identity the exact ViewHelper usage that causes the problem and make sure you specify the extensionName parameter.