FluidTYPO3 / vhs

TYPO3 extension VHS: Fluid ViewHelpers
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Temporary asset path as distinct vhs folder inside of typo3temp/assets/ #1800

Closed tastendruecker closed 12 months ago

tastendruecker commented 1 year ago


Would be nice if the vhs assets were stored inside a distinct folder within typo3temp/assets. Two benefits:

  1. No more need to check for TYPO3 version in AssetService->getTempPath()
  2. Back-end users could manually remove the asset files using the Install Tool

The directory for the temporary assets just has to be defined within ext_emconf.php like e.g. 'createDirs' => 'typo3temp/assets/tx_vhs',

NamelessCoder commented 12 months ago

This seems very reasonable and I have no objections. It's even easier now since AssetService::getTempPath no longer needs a version detection to use different dirs on different versions.