FluidTYPO3 / vhs

TYPO3 extension VHS: Fluid ViewHelpers
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Assets with code inside are ignored #1847

Open dmitryd opened 1 year ago

dmitryd commented 1 year ago


        <v:asset.script name="iframe-resizer-init" movable="1">
            iFrameResize({}, ".iframe-responsive-height");

This does not produce ANY output at all. I traced it down to FluidTYPO3\Vhs\Service\AssetService::manipulateAssetsByTypoScriptSettings():


This shows that the content of the <v:asset.script> and <v:asset.style> will be ignored.

MohsinQK commented 1 year ago

I also have the same Problem. TYPO3 V11 VHS 6.1.3 PHP v8.1

NamelessCoder commented 1 year ago

Thanks @dmitryd - could you check if https://github.com/FluidTYPO3/vhs/commit/2390e8066bda222d1a862192b9c3982ee76190bc (already in dev-development) solves the issue? I changed it so rather than checking for Asset it checks for AssetInterface which will now be fulfilled by ScriptViewHelper and StyleViewHelper.