FluidTYPO3 / vhs

TYPO3 extension VHS: Fluid ViewHelpers
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Async/defer attributes implemented incorrectly #1870

Open abvdveen opened 11 months ago

abvdveen commented 11 months ago

Async and defer attributes now can only be added when also adding standalone="true". This doesn't work: using standalone="true" will generate inline js. Adding defer="defer" or async="async" to inline js is useless, as there is nothing to fetch. These params influence when external js is fetched, so only works when the 'src' param is present in the script tag.

Changing AssetService as follows fixes this:

if ($extractedAssetSettings['standalone']) {
    $assetSettings = $extractedAssetSettings;


$assetSettings = $extractedAssetSettings;


               if ($standaloneAssetSettings) { 
                 // using async and defer simultaneously does not make sense technically, but do not enforce 
                 if ($standaloneAssetSettings['async']) {
                    $tagBuilder->addAttribute('async', 'async');
                 if ($standaloneAssetSettings['defer']) {
                    $tagBuilder->addAttribute('defer', 'defer'); 


                 // using async and defer simultaneously does not make sense technically, but do not enforce
                 if ($standaloneAssetSettings['async']) {
                  $tagBuilder->addAttribute('async', 'async');
                 if ($standaloneAssetSettings['defer']) {
                   $tagBuilder->addAttribute('defer', 'defer');
NamelessCoder commented 11 months ago

standalone="1" plus external="1" should work for you. Standalone asset settings must only be applied if an asset is standalone, otherwise it would also potentially apply to a merged chunk of assets leading to unpredictable results.

abvdveen commented 11 months ago

Unfortunately I cannot use that combination in this case: I need to generate the contents of the tag in a Fluid file, based on parameters for the current page. So I have xclassed the AssetService for this particular project, to get the desired result.