FluidityProject / fluidity

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Dead links in documentation #305

Open adigitoleo opened 3 years ago

adigitoleo commented 3 years ago

There are numerous dead links in the documentation, including in the README. A full list is provided below (at least for all http://amcg*, on a fresh source tree).

The new project homepage could be https://fluidityproject.github.io

For the rest, I'm not sure, it seems like the AMCG homepage changed to https://www.imperial.ac.uk/earth-science/research/research-groups/amcg/


156:            ## See http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Local:Checkpointing_from_new_options
4959:         ## See http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Local:Diagnostics#CFL_Number

193:See http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Local:Checkpointing_from_new_options</a:documentatio
6252:See http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Local:Diagnostics#CFL_Number

239:               ## See http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Local:Diagnostics#CFL_Number
3531:         ## See http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Local:Diagnostics#CFL_Number


17:      url = "http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk",

304:See http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Local:Diagnostics#CFL_Number
4234:See http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Local:Diagnostics#CFL_Number

17:      url = "http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk",



81:      url = "http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk",

7:# Original code by Tim Bond <http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Local:Using_Mayavi2>

4:It was downloaded from http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/fluidity

8:Homepage: http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/fluidity

5:# http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Local:Fluidity_tools



21:A further source of material may be found at \url{http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/}

36:\href{http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/spud}{the Spud website}.

21:sudo zypper ar -f http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/yast/opensuse/12.3/

303:The expected dynamics of a lock-exchange flow are observed, figure \ref{fig:lock_exchange}: two g
ravity currents propagate in opposite directions with the foremost point of the no-slip front raised
above the lower boundary. Kelvin--Helmholtz billows form at the interface enhancing the mixing of the
 two fluids which would not be observed with a hydrostatic formulation. The mesh adapts well, increas
ing the resolution around the interface and Kelvin--Helmholtz billows with anisotropic elements. Simi
lar images can be generated by visualising the vtu files using Paraview, see the \href{http://amcg.es
e.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Cook_Book}{Cook Book}\ for more information.
1050:the vtu files using Paraview or Mayavi2, see the \href{http://amcg-www.ese.ic.ac.uk/}{AMCG websi
te}\ for more information.


144:                   http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/yum/rhel/6/fluidity.repo
184:sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/yum/fedora/19/fluidity.repo
222:sudo zypper ar -f http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/yast/opensuse/12.3/

27:deb http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/debian intrepid main contrib non-free
28:deb-src http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/debian intrepid main contrib non-free

48:\url{http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/files/amcg-gmsh-tutorial.pdf}. Tutorials
402:See the \href{http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/terreno}{Terreno website}\ for more information.
416:For more information see the \href{http://geuz.org/gmsh/}{Gmsh website}\ or the \href{http://amcg
426:in the future be available on the \href{http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk}{AMCG website}.

30:See the \href{http://amcg-www.ese.ic.ac.uk/}{AMCG website}\ for more information.
329:A full list of the available tools is given in table \ref{table:vtktools_list}. A summary can als
o be obtained by typing \lstinline[language=Python]+help(vtktools)+ in an ipython session.  Further e
xamples of use can be found in the online at \href{http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Cook_Book
}{Cook Book}\, in the python scripts used for postprocessing of the examples and in the test cases.
415:\caption[Table of vtktools]{Table of tools available in vtktools for extraction and analysis of d
ata in vtu and pvtu files. The tools which are methods can be applied to an object created from a vtu
 or pvtu with \lstinline[language=Python]+data = vtktools.vtu('example.vtu')+. The methods can then b
e used with \lstinline[language=Python]+data.method(arguments)+. Note only the \lstinline[language=Py
thon]+Write+ method can change the original vtu pr pvtu. The functions are used as usual \lstinline[l
anguage=Python]+python+ functions. See section \ref{sec:diagnostics_vtk_tools}, the \href{http://amcg
.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Cook_Book}{Cook Book}\, the postprocessing python scripts in the exampl
es, the test cases and the source code for the python tools in \lstinline[language = bash]+ tools+ fo
r further examples of use. The list can also be obtained in a ipython session with the command \lstin

8:Secondly, have a look at our ''Cookbook for \fluidity`` (\url{http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?ti
tle=Cook_Book}). This webpage provides examples of how to set up particular types of problems in \flu


7:(see http://amcg.ese.ic.ac.uk/index.php?title=Spud#Diamond ) against a supplied