Closed Tankbuster0 closed 7 years ago
Going to need a bit more info. Is this on Tanoa? What changes did you make in the settings file?
Yes, it's on Tanoa settings file content..
Copyright 2016 Fluit
This file is part of Dynamic Enemy Population.
Dynamic Enemy Population is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 3 of the License.
Dynamic Enemy Population is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Dynamic Enemy Population. If not, see */
// // This is the settings file for DEP. Edit to your own liking. // Every setting in this file is optional and will fall back // to it's appropriate default value when commented out. // For a complete list of possible settings and their values // visit: //
// // General settings //
dep_side = independent; // dep_own_side = west; dep_despawn = 3; // dep_respawn_timeout = 0; dep_debug = false; dep_logging = true; dep_chat_logging = false; dep_safe_zone = [markerPos "dep_safezone_marker_1", markerPos "dep_safezone_marker_2", markerPos "dep_safezone_marker_3",markerPos "dep_safezone_marker_4",markerPos "dep_safezone_marker_5",markerPos "dep_safezone_marker_6"]; // dep_safe_rad = 800; // dep_map_margin = 400; // dep_ieds = true; // dep_mines = true; // dep_ied_chance = 0.7; // dep_cr_ied = false; // dep_veh_chance = 0.5; dep_unit_init = "[_this] call tky_fnc_tc_setskill"; dep_useheadless = false; dep_headlessclient = ""; // dep_allow_mortars = false; dep_civilians = true; // dep_fail_civilians = 0; // dep_civ_fail_script = ""; dep_zone_markers = [];
// // Performance settings //
// dep_max_ai_loc = 4; // dep_aim_player = 0.3; // dep_max_ai_tot = 200; // dep_act_dist = 800; // dep_act_height = 200; // dep_act_speed = 200;
// // Location types //
dep_roadblocks = 7; // dep_bunkers = 5b dep_patrols = 4; // dep_forest_patrols = 0; dep_air_patrols = 3; dep_aa_camps = 2; dep_housepop = 50; // dep_ambushes = 10; // dep_military = 4; // dep_town_occupation = 0.8;
// // Class names //
// Military forces dep_u_soldier = "I_soldier_F"; dep_u_gl = "I_Soldier_GL_F"; dep_u_ar = "I_Soldier_AR_F"; dep_u_at = "I_Soldier_LAT_F"; dep_u_medic = "I_medic_F"; dep_u_aa = "I_Soldier_AA_F"; dep_u_aaa = "I_Soldier_AAA_F"; dep_u_sl = "I_Soldier_SL_F"; dep_u_marksman = "I_soldier_M_F"; dep_u_sniper = "I_Sniper_F";
// Guerilla forces dep_u_g_soldier = "I_G_Soldier_F"; dep_u_g_gl = "I_G_Soldier_GL_F"; dep_u_g_ar = "I_G_Soldier_AR_F"; dep_u_g_at = "I_G_Soldier_LAT_F"; dep_u_g_medic = "I_G_medic_F"; dep_u_g_sl = "I_G_Soldier_SL_F"; dep_u_g_marksman = "I_G_Soldier_M_F";
// Vehicles // dep_civ_veh = ["C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F","C_Offroad_01_F","C_Truck_02_transport_F","C_Truck_02_covered_F","C_SUV_01_F"]; dep_ground_vehicles = ["I_C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F","I_C_Van_01_transport_F","I_G_Van_01_transport_F","I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F","O_T_Truck_03_transport_ghex_F","I_MRAP_03_F","I_MRAP_03_hmg_F","I_G_Offroad_01_F"]; dep_air_vehicles = ["I_C_Plane_Civil_01_F","I_Heli_light_03_F","I_C_Heli_Light_01_civil_F","I_Heli_Transport_02_F","I_Heli_light_03_F","I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F","O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F"];
// Static weapons dep_static_aa = "O_static_AA_F"; dep_static_at = "O_static_AA_F"; dep_static_hmg = "O_HMG_01_high_F"; dep_static_gmg = "O_GMG_01_high_F"; dep_static_hmg_tri = "O_HMG_01_high_F";
Thanks! I can't see much wrong with the settings. You have 6 safe zones, which means DEP has less space to place the zones but it shouldn't matter that much. The only reason I can think of why this is happening is that the computer or server that's running DEP doesn't have enough processing power to find all the zones in time. (30 seconds for finding roadblocks) Make sure there is not too many stuff running in the background and restart the mission. If it's still happening there might be something else wrong.
What's odd is that forest patrols do appear to be working.
Yes the "X not found in time" message means it didn't find all the requested zones in time, but it did find some. For example if you put the forest patrols at 30 and it found only 25 in time it will show the message "Forest patrols not found in time" but it still will create the 25 zones it did find.
I slimmed the server right down - shut down 2 other game servers and the TS server and restarted the box and still got the message forest patrols not found in time. As before I could see plenty of forest patrols around, but not AA sites or roadblocks. It's possible of course, I wasn't looking hard enough. :)
Rather embarrassingly. when I switched the box from power saver plan to balanced, the problems went away! :)
2017/03/10, 18:09:20 "Forest patrols not found in time"
2017/03/10, 18:08:32 "Roadblocks not found in time"