Flurrywinde / brightdawn

The Bright Dawn Center of Oneness Buddhism
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Reunion Planning #11

Open Flurrywinde opened 5 months ago

Flurrywinde commented 5 months ago

Bob unable to be present- or if so, will be busy with work premiering new film- Elena proposed changing date to Obon, was decided against d/t heat. Discussed making it more like an induction weekend with a few more workshops rather than a grand event with keynote speakers etc. More an opportunity to hang out and get to know each other- the focus is on a cocreation rather than production.

### Reunion Planning Tasks
- [ ] Decide on who to invite to run seminars or give presentations
- [ ] Send invitations
- [ ] Honorarium?
- [ ] Put out donation box? Current one sufficient? Build nicer one?
- [ ] Ask Tate and Joyce re: spreading Dad's ashes