Hi, all! As we think about text selection for the next few LMs, here are some principles we might consider to guide our decisions, our text choices, and the order of our texts:
What is the purpose of this program/class/unit as a whole? What outcomes do I hope that learners will have by the end of their experience?
What is the purpose of this individual book? What do I hope the learner will experience or take away from reading it?
How does this individual book contribute to the outcomes that I hope the learners will have?
What conversations or reflections do I hope this book will spark?
What previous knowledge will be helpful to learners before they tackle this text? Where and how have I given them that knowledge?
How will this book set the learner up for future texts I hope they will read?
What are the challenges of reading this text? (Scholarly? Long? Confusing?) Have I given the learner additional time or resources for overcoming these challenges in my planning? How will I set the learner up for understanding these challenges ahead of time?
What’s likely to be fun/satisfying about this text? How can I highlight that for the learner?
Hi, all! As we think about text selection for the next few LMs, here are some principles we might consider to guide our decisions, our text choices, and the order of our texts:
What is the purpose of this program/class/unit as a whole? What outcomes do I hope that learners will have by the end of their experience?
What is the purpose of this individual book? What do I hope the learner will experience or take away from reading it?
How does this individual book contribute to the outcomes that I hope the learners will have?
What conversations or reflections do I hope this book will spark?
What previous knowledge will be helpful to learners before they tackle this text? Where and how have I given them that knowledge?
How will this book set the learner up for future texts I hope they will read?
What are the challenges of reading this text? (Scholarly? Long? Confusing?) Have I given the learner additional time or resources for overcoming these challenges in my planning? How will I set the learner up for understanding these challenges ahead of time?
What’s likely to be fun/satisfying about this text? How can I highlight that for the learner?