Flutter-Buddies / App

An app with community features like 'calendar of events' and a showcase of member created widgets
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Google Calendar API Integration #9

Open Zambrella opened 3 years ago

Zambrella commented 3 years ago

Not even sure if a calendar API exists. Maybe another service other than Google Calendar has one??

joeyda3rd commented 3 years ago

Sent ~Sondra~ Sandro the JSON response URL to add to the repositories for the public google calendar.

slovnicki commented 3 years ago

@joeyda3rd you mean Sandro :) Yeah, I'll take a look at that and try to integrate it today. (for all others reading this; the reason he sent me this in a private message is because there are some secret keys involved)

ok, it wasn't done yesterday so maybe today

slovnicki commented 3 years ago

This is done, but the issue stays open for further discussion of what attributes we want to use from API. The calendar key is kept in .env file and some guidelines have been added to README:

"Before you start contributing, you need to copy .env-example file and name the copy .env. This is mandatory for app to build and is enough to get you going, but you won't see any events in app. If you wish to contribute to events part of the app, ask admins to give you the key."

Of course, .env itself is in .gitignore so it won't be pushed to repo while you have the key there locally. The key itself is located at secrets repository I just created. This will be a private repository with just the few of us having access.

joeyda3rd commented 3 years ago

Create an github action for generating JSON file of events from calendar API. This is necessary since the API has a call limit