FlutterFlow / flutterflow-issues

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Can not open FlutterFlow desktop app FF loading icon continually displays & console inspector shows errors #1859

Closed kiwimagic closed 10 months ago

kiwimagic commented 10 months ago

Has your issue been reported?

Current Behavior

My "desktop FF App" has stopped working. [MacOS] I was in it and out of nowhere it came up with a message saying Restricted access you do not have permissions to access this project and had a return to home button. The Home button tries to load the dashboard (I have multiple projects) and all it does is show the FF loading icon. I can access my projects using the Web version via safari https://app.flutterflow.io/

Inspecting the "non-working console" there are errors related to google identity kit "The requested URL /v1/accounts:lookup?key=[removed] was not found on this server. " and Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy policy would block the window.closed call

Two other FF Community members are reporting same in Discord - please check there for further reports. Here is someone else's comment "I'm on windows, won't load in edge either, same happened to me permission error then stuck on loading"

Note there was an issue open (now in closed list) on https://docs.flutterflow.io/flutterflow-status [I can't find GitHub ticket] "15-Nov-2023 Engineering Team is actively investigating an issue that preventing FlutterFlow from loading for a small subset of users." Current Issues >> There are no known issues at this time. I am posting this to GitHub because the issue is listed as closed and I (and other discord community members) can not access FF.

Expected Behavior

Desktop app should allow me to access my FF projects

Steps to Reproduce

  1. click on Flutter Flow App icon on desktop
  2. watch blue loading FF icon...

Reproducible from Blank

Bug Report Code (Required)

can't get to this app will not open



Visual documentation


Additional Info

No response


- FlutterFlow version: I did have an update pushed out and installed today can't open App to verify #
- Platform: Mac OS Desktop
- Browser name and version: App
- Operating system and version affected: Mac OS Ventura 13.6.1
agreaves commented 10 months ago

Hi @kiwimagic, we are currently experience a partial outage due to a widespread Firestore outage. This is currently being resolved and we hope everything is working properly within a few hours.

We apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime.

zetabrands commented 10 months ago

Also running into this. Regular user on MacOS, suddenly came back to my desk and was just spinning. Also can't login on Chrome anymore. Update: Firestore global error impacting permissions across the entire ecosystem, not FF related specifically.

kiwimagic commented 10 months ago

For future reference - this was not a FF "bug". Google Firebase Auth went out globally for a number of hours. Confirming that I can now open the Web App. Issue was Firebase https://status.cloud.google.com/incidents/iRvJVnsbz8T47ySiy5Hg