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Inconsistency with Carousel within Pageview #2769

Open DatadudeDev opened 2 months ago

DatadudeDev commented 2 months ago

Has your issue been reported?

Current Behavior

A carousel cannot be pasted or added to a pageview. FF Error message says: "A carousel cannot be added to a PageView". However, a block containing a carousel (wrapped between some rows or columns, containers, etc) can be pasted into a pageview. The carousel is displayed and compiled correctly.

Expected Behavior

If the carousel isn't supposed to live within a Pageview, then pasting should be disaalowed.

If the carousel is supposed to live within a Pageview, then directly adding one be successful, rather than encountering the FF error.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a pageview
  2. Add a carousel within the pageview.
  3. Note the error citing the carousel cannot live within the page.
  4. wrap a carousel in a row-column-row sandwich within a container
  5. paste the container into the page
  6. observe the carousel lives within the page.

Reproducible from Blank

Bug Report Code (Required)



This issue has not affected me because I'm crafty so I got my carousel in the pageview anyways (via copy/paste

Visual documentation

Apple_Music_icon svg

Additional Info

No response


- FlutterFlow version: Latest
- Platform: Web
- Browser name and version: Firefox
- Operating system and version affected: Ubuntu
rzambroni commented 2 months ago

Hey @DatadudeDev, thanks for the report! I wasn't able to replicate the issue you mentioned on a blank project. However, I noticed that there's a carousel inside the page view in your project. Could you please create a blank project with the minimal structure you're referring to so we can take a closer look?

rzambroni commented 2 months ago

Nevermind, i was able to replicate. Will send it to the team so they can take a look.


DatadudeDev commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the photo upload. It's a required field but it's too awkward to capture bug screenshots on iPad app. Should possibly consider making the field optional (unless spam lol)