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Keyboard Hiding on Tap in Nested Bottom Sheets #2830

Open rayan1005 opened 3 weeks ago

rayan1005 commented 3 weeks ago

Has your issue been reported?

Current Behavior

the keyboard hides perfectly on tap when opening a bottom sheet directly, the same functionality does not seem to work as expected when opening a bottom sheet from within another bottom sheet.

Expected Behavior

The keyboard should hide automatically when tapping outside any open bottom sheet, regardless of whether it is directly opened or opened from within another bottom sheet. This behavior ensures a consistent and intuitive user experience across the application.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a FlutterFlow project with nested bottom sheets. Ensure that the project includes functionality to open a bottom sheet from within another bottom sheet. Open the first bottom sheet. Within the first bottom sheet, trigger the opening of a second bottom sheet. Observe the behavior of the keyboard when tapping outside the nested bottom sheets.

Reproducible from Blank

Bug Report Code (Required)



impacted my development workflow and the overall user experience of the applications I am building.

Visual documentation


Additional Info



FlutterFlow version: v3.1 (released Feb 27, 2023)
Platform (e.g. Web, MacOS Desktop): Web
Browser name and version (web): Chrome 107.0.5304.110
Operating system and version (desktop): macOS Monterey 12.2.1


Relative to the time the changes were made, data was lost within

When following my steps to reproduce, data loss happens

ignalauret commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @rayan1005 thanks for your report. I created a project with two bottomsheets with Text Fields inside. Bottom sheet1 can open bottom sheet 2 and I can see the keyboard behaving correctly in both of them. Could you please clarify:

Also, if the setup I did is different, please send me the correct widgets that should go inside each bottom sheet so I can replicate your issue.

rayan1005 commented 2 weeks ago

this image explained the issue, ive updated just to go around the issue Group 2

ignalauret commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @rayan1005 thanks for the image. Could you just clarify where are you expecting to tap to close the keyboard on the second BottomSheet? Are you expecting the keyboard to hide but the BottomSheet to stay opened?

rayan1005 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm attempting to simply tap on the screen to hide the keyboard, the bottomsheet stays open. Please watch the video where I had to open the drop-down menu to hide the keyboard."


github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 7 days with no activity. If there are no further updates, a team member will close the issue.