FlutterFlow / flutterflow-issues

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Modals are unresponsive to lower resolutions #2848

Open JPysus opened 2 weeks ago

JPysus commented 2 weeks ago

Has your issue been reported?

Current Behavior

image Majority of the modals are cutted off and cant be scrolled on my laptop Lenovo Thinkpad L14 Gen2

Expected Behavior


Steps to Reproduce

image Steps to see the modal posted in this issue, tho majority of the modals are a problem anyways.

  1. Create a project (dont setup firebase)
  2. Connect a firebase project
  3. Click Auto Generate Config Files

Reproducible from Blank

Bug Report Code (Required)



Its annoying that I have to zoom out my browser just to see things properly.

Visual documentation


Additional Info

No response


- FlutterFlow version: v4.1.40+
- Platform: Web
- Browser name and version: Chrome 124.0.6367.118
- Operating system and version affected: Windows 10.0.22631 Build 22631


Relative to the time the changes were made, data was lost within

When following my steps to reproduce, data loss happens

ignalauret commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @JPysus thanks for your report. I can confirm that the modals are not scrollable, and there are certain resolutions of screens that can make them difficult to use. Our technical team will be reviewing this issue, thank you and have a great day!