FlutterFlow / flutterflow-issues

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Flutterflow web app not loading and software dont upload images #2858

Closed txoh01 closed 1 week ago

txoh01 commented 2 weeks ago

Has your issue been reported?

Current Behavior

The Flutterflow web app is not loading and the software is not uploading images; the issues just started a few days ago.

Expected Behavior

To load so i would be able to work on web.

Steps to Reproduce

The Flutterflow webpage failed to load.

Reproducible from Blank

Bug Report Code (Required)



I can't load the web page, can't work at all, and even so, the software doesn't even upload images.

Visual documentation


Additional Info



FlutterFlow version:v4.1.47+ (released May 4, 2024)
Browser name and version:chrome Version 124.0.6367.119 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Operating system and version affected: windows 10


Relative to the time the changes were made, data was lost within

When following my steps to reproduce, data loss happens

txoh01 commented 2 weeks ago

![Uploading Captureewfwertgrtg.JPG…]() Capturesffvgd This screenshot of the flutterfow app not uploading but loading till forever

rzambroni commented 1 week ago

Hi @txoh01, I'm sorry you are dealing with this problem. I tried replicating the issue you are describing but the web app is loading fine on my end. Have you tried opening the web app in an incognito tab or cleaning your cache?

The bug when uploading assets from the windows app was already reported and the team will be working on that soon.


txoh01 commented 1 week ago

That's in incognito mode, just loading and no response; the web app in Chrome just keeps loading; I can't log in to the to the web.


rzambroni commented 1 week ago

Unfortunately, there is not much we can do from here as it seems to be specific to your browser, would you mind following up with our support team? You can do that either by email: support@flutterflow.io or using the in-app chat inside of FlutterFlow.

rzambroni commented 1 week ago

Hey @txoh01, i saw a similar issue today and the problem for this user was that he didn't had the correct date and time on his computer configuration. That was causing the website to reject the connection. In case that helps.