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Bug In Navigation Url when navigation via teams in dashboard #2863

Open anmol-Git opened 1 week ago

anmol-Git commented 1 week ago

Has your issue been reported?

Current Behavior

I was using my project on the pro plan, and another dev opened the project on his device, and I got a prompt saying Go for Teams when I clicked on this I was navigating to the Organisation tab in the dashboard, I then clicked the project tab but the URL was still reading the projects URL in which the other dev is working but it should just say https://app.flutterflow.io/project.

On reloading the page I end up getting inside the project again. I am pasting the behavior here.

Hopefully, my explanation is clear, please reach out to me, If you do not understand any part.

Expected Behavior

The url should say https://app.flutterflow.io/project and should not redirect inside the project on reload.URL

Steps to Reproduce

Reproducible from Blank

Bug Report Code (Required)



It is a low-priority bug, but still, I mention it to make the platform more robust

Visual documentation


Additional Info

No response


- FlutterFlow version: v4.1.47+
- Platform: Windows
- Browser name and version: Chrome
- Operating system and version affected: Window 11


Relative to the time the changes were made, data was lost within

When following my steps to reproduce, data loss happens

ignalauret commented 1 week ago

Hey @anmol-Git thanks for your report. I will send this to our technical team so they can check the navigation on that specific case and see if it can be improved. Have a great day!

victoriahuang1 commented 4 days ago

@anmol-Git it looks like your project is private, and there are no other collaborators on this project. How is the other Dev accessing your project? What is their email?