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Conditionally showing a data table leads to infinite loading #3211

Open bloemy7 opened 1 week ago

bloemy7 commented 1 week ago

Can we access your project?

Current Behavior

I have two data tables. Both are conditionally visible based on the same boolean value, but of opposite condition, so there is only ever one that shows. If I remove the conditional visibility, both tables show up and work as expected, so clearly they are set up correctly. With the conditional visibility, the table that shows first does show up correctly, but after clicking the button that hides that table and shows the second one, the second table shows up but infinitely loads - i.e the data inside it never loads.

Expected Behavior

Expected behavior is for both tables to show up correctly when needed.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a data table, set it up with a Firebase query
  2. Duplicate the table, and make the duplicate table "Selectable"
  3. Make the first table only show when boolean X is true
  4. Make the second table only show when boolean X is false
  5. Add a button which flips the value of boolean X
  6. Load the page, see that the first table shows, and then click on the button to flip the state

Reproducible from Blank

Bug Report Code (Required)


Visual documentation

Screenshot 2024-06-24 at 6 43 01 PM


- FlutterFlow version: v.4.1.61+
- Platform: Web
- Browser name and version: Chrome 125
- Operating system and version affected: All

Additional Information

This is blocking us from releasing an update

rzambroni commented 1 week ago

Hey @bloemy7, i can't replicate the issue you are describing, it seems to be working fine on my end.
Can you make an attempt to replicate this on a blank project? it is sometimes hard to isolate an issue

Simulator Screen Recording - iPhone 15 Pro Max - 2024-06-25 at 16.39.43.mp4

bloemy7 commented 1 week ago

This reproduces from a blank project. It only reproduces if you get the data to come from a backend Firebase query, not with local data. I'll be sharing a video and a bug code very soon.

bloemy7 commented 1 week ago

Here is the bug code for the blank project: IT4ol/H60491xNhE17r+bPlVuyQvH182aLg7i8pBazwbfe+uB4kqevfOTERuTebiYWNieUyZq2oW0fuNhd71JPo5NQ+AfqpOwc9QWBbwbHmnRaatFJWgVHRCBfJgBXak0KSvkBFAWdZoSUY47GaUA/OvaBPtQeftDFU4Da/LZO4=

bloemy7 commented 1 week ago


rzambroni commented 1 week ago

i see, you are using conditional building and i was using conditional visibility that might be the reason i couldn't replicate it. Will take another look at your approach.

In the meantime if it is possible to use conditional visibility it appears to be working as expected and might help you workaround the issue for now.

bloemy7 commented 1 week ago

The same thing happens with conditional visibility for us, it's not related to that it seems. Are you using a Firebase query in the data table to reproduce it? You can look at our sample project, it reproduces from scratch there. Any help would be very appreciated here since we are stuck for a big launch...

rzambroni commented 1 week ago

yep, I'm also querying a collection in Firebase, so it might be something else. Also tested web because i saw your video but was working fine, i'll continue checking.

bloemy7 commented 1 week ago

Captura de pantalla 2024-06-29 a la(s) 4 25 05 p m

I can reproduce this from total scratch, with the simplest of projects. It reproduces every single time. I don't understand what is happening? @rzambroni

rzambroni commented 6 days ago

can you add me to that from-scratch project as well? (rzambroni@somniosoftware.com)

bloemy7 commented 2 days ago

Hi @rzambroni . I invited you to the project. Can we please prioritize this as it’s blocking a release for us. Thank you!

Alezanello commented 2 days ago


I was able to reproduce the issue, although it is not consistent. Given its intermittent nature, I will forward this to the engineering team for a deeper investigation.

Best regards,