Closed yelang-moon closed 1 day ago
This is not a FlutterFlow issue. To resolve this, you'll need to configure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for your newly created Firebase Storage Bucket. There are several ways to accomplish this, and you may find this helpful: StackOverflow discussion and possible solution.
Thank you for your response. I understand that you've provided a link to address CORS issues; however, the problem I'm encountering is related to a recent change in Firebase's default bucket naming convention, not CORS.
Issue Overview:
As of October 30, 2024, Firebase has updated the default naming convention for Cloud Storage buckets. Previously, the format was, but it has now changed to This change is documented in Firebase's official Get Started with Cloud Storage on Web guide.
Impact on FlutterFlow:
In FlutterFlow, when utilizing the image upload functionality, the system attempts to send HTTP requests to[PROJECT_NAME] Due to Firebase's updated naming convention, this results in errors for projects created after October 30, 2024, as the expected bucket name now ends with (It has to request to[PROJECT_NAME]
For example below curl request works (Note, I requested to
curl '' \ -H 'X-Firebase-Storage-Version: webjs/10.11.1' \ -H 'Authorization: Firebase {AUTH}' \ -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "macOS"' \ -H 'Referer:' \ -H 'sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="129", "Not=A?Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="129"' \ -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' \ Chrome/ Safari/537.36' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "asdfasdfasdf" :"asdfadsfa"}
But this is not working (Note, I requested to
curl '' \ -H 'X-Firebase-Storage-Version: webjs/10.11.1' \ -H 'Authorization: Firebase {AUTH}' \ -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "macOS"' \ -H 'Referer:' \ -H 'sec-ch-ua: "Google Chrome";v="129", "Not=A?Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="129"' \ -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' \ Chrome/ Safari/537.36' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "asdfasdfasdf" :"asdfadsfa"}
Request for Resolution:
To address this issue, I recommend updating FlutterFlow's image upload functionality to accommodate Firebase's new bucket naming convention. This adjustment will ensure compatibility for all users, especially those who have created projects after the naming convention change.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. @Alezanello
Would you please check my comment, please? @Alezanello
I have the exact same issue
It seems my report might have been overlooked. This should be a straightforward fix, and I hope it gets addressed soon
This is not a FlutterFlow issue. To resolve this, you'll need to configure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for your newly created Firebase Storage Bucket. There are several ways to accomplish this, and you may find this helpful: StackOverflow discussion and possible solution.
He's getting a CORS error because the bucket doesn't exist, not because it's an actual CORS issue, because google changed how they name the buckets and there's seemingly no way to change the name of the bucket through FlutterFlow.
@Alezanello Last reminder. It's not CORS;
@FFX3 FYI I gave up and switched to Supabase. And it works. And make sure to create the bucket as public. It only works in public. because uploadedImageUrl in the widget state will be saved as a public url path.
@FFX3 Check this out~ just Regenerate the Config Files! It will fix the problem
Can we access your project?
Current Behavior
FlutterFlow attempts to upload images to Firebase Storage using the previous default bucket URL format ( This results in CORS errors when interacting with newly created storage buckets that follow Firebase's updated naming convention (*
Expected Behavior
FlutterFlow should detect and adapt to the current default bucket naming convention used by Firebase. Additionally, it should provide users with the ability to specify a custom storage bucket name within FlutterFlow settings to accommodate various project requirements.
Steps to Reproduce
Reproducible from Blank
Bug Report Code (Required)
Visual documentation
Additional Information
No response