Flutterish / Hitokori

A custom osu! ruleset based on a dance of fire and ice
MIT License
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"Could not load beatmap successfully!" message when loading any beatmap #33

Closed Starlii10 closed 2 years ago

Starlii10 commented 2 years ago

Upon swapping to Hitokori from any other mode, I get this error (copied from logs):

2022-05-27 01:38:55 [error]: Could not load beatmap successfully!
2022-05-27 01:38:55 [error]: System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: 'osu.Game.Beatmaps.BeatmapStatistic.Name'.
2022-05-27 01:38:55 [error]: at osu.Game.Rulesets.Hitokori.Beatmaps.HitokoriBeatmap.GetStatistics()+MoveNext()
2022-05-27 01:38:55 [error]: at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.ToArray()
2022-05-27 01:38:55 [error]: at osu.Game.Screens.Select.BeatmapInfoWedge.WedgeInfoText.getRulesetInfoLabels()

This subsequently leads to a broken, half-loaded beatmap in its place. I can still play it, however it cuts off at certain points and resumes after 1-3 seconds.

osu!lazer version: 2022.523.0

Flutterish commented 2 years ago

should be fixed with 0.18.16