Flutterwave / PHP-v3

PHP Library for Flutterwave v3 APIs
MIT License
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Class not found || failed to open stream: No such file or directory. #26

Closed Chamberlainfrancis closed 2 years ago

Chamberlainfrancis commented 2 years ago

Please do you have any workaround for the installation?

I installed the package this way composer require flutterwavedev/flutterwave-v3 but still I can't seem to get beyond the error Class "Flutterwave\Bill" not found.

Also, I can't find this file in the installation dir so I end up with, require(Flutterwave-Rave-PHP-SDK/library/Bill.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory.

is this the official SDK?`

I have checked the entire README file and also this page https://developer.flutterwave.com/reference/endpoints/bills#validate-a-bill-service but I can't find a solution

bajoski34 commented 2 years ago

Hi @Chamberlainfrancis Thanks for your feedback. This is the official SDK.

you are to use require(Flutterwave-PHP-v3/library/Bill.php)

corneliusyaovi commented 2 years ago

Hello @Chamberlainfrancis,

Thanks for sharing your experience with the team. We have the support @bajoski34 provided was sufficient to resolve the issue you reported.

We would be closing the issue out now. Please feel free to share any follow-up questions with the team on Slack!