Flutterwave / React-Native

React Native library for Flutterwave for Business (F4B) v2 and v3 APIs.
MIT License
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iOS app crashes once it gets to the page where Paywithflutterwave is imported #69

Open EffiEmmanuel opened 1 year ago

EffiEmmanuel commented 1 year ago


Hi, my react native expo app crashes only on the page where PayWithFlutterwave is imported. This happens ONLY on the iOS TestFlight / live version. It works perfectly on the emulator but crashes on there.

it also works perfectly on the android version. Please how do I resolve this?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install Flutterwave-react-native package
  2. Import PayWithFlutterwave and use it in that page

Expected behaviour

Open up payment sheet and walk user through the payment process.

Actual behaviour

App crashes once the page containing this import statement / PayWithFlutterwave component is opened or navigated to.

Reproduces how often

Everytime on iOS TestFlight version.

Dalu26 commented 1 year ago

@thecodecafe @kpose @Official-kornelios @theafolayan please can you take a look at this? I'm having the same issue, the app crashes when you import Paywithflutterwave. If you comment it out everything works fine

3KINGZ commented 1 year ago

@EffiEmmanuel @Dalu26 where you able to get past this?

EffiEmmanuel commented 1 year ago

@3KINGZ @Dalu26 I think the package itself has issues! I was not able to get past through it using the PayWithFlutterwave component. It still crashed my app.

I solved this issue by using a custom web view.

It was the only reasonable solution I could come up with and I hope this helps you also!

3KINGZ commented 1 year ago

@EffiEmmanuel thanks, i had to upgrade react-native-webview to the latest to resolve this issue