FluvialGeomorph / FluvialGeomorph-toolbox

The FluvialGeomorph ArcGIS toolbox.
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Report - L1 Error in Signal _abort: The shape cross sections labels only contains empty units. #32

Open tadarby12 opened 6 months ago

tadarby12 commented 6 months ago

Level 1 Report fails to run when Aerial and/or Elevation boxes are checked. The tool has run well on prior reaches, but failed on Reach HA4 a trib of the Santa Clara. Level 1 reports completed when Aerial and Elevation boxes were unchecked. The scale for trib HA4 was less than 1:3000, do the Aerial and Elevation fail when the reach is too short and the scale is too small?

Here is the error message:

Report - L1


stream Santa Clara Trib HA4 flowline_fc \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2023\Trib_HA4_2023.gdb\Trib_HA4_2023\flowline xs_dimensions_fc \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2023\Trib_HA4_2023.gdb\Trib_HA4_2023\xs_100_100_dims_L1 flowline_points_1 \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2023\Trib_HA4_2023.gdb\Trib_HA4_2023\flowline_points flowline_points_2 \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2016\Trib_HA4_2016_1.gdb\FD\flowline_points flowline_points_3 \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2014\Trib_HA4_2014_1.gdb\FD\flowline_points flowline_points_4
xs_points_1 \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2023\Trib_HA4_2023.gdb\Trib_HA4_2023\xs_100_100_points xs_points_2 \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2016\Trib_HA4_2016_1.gdb\FD\xs_100_100_points xs_points_3 \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2014\Trib_HA4_2014_1.gdb\FD\xs_100_100_points xs_points_4
survey_name_1 2023 survey_name_2 2016 survey_name_3 2014 survey_name_4
features_fc \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2023\Trib_HA4_2023.gdb\Trib_HA4_2023\features dem \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2023\Trib_HA4_2023.gdb\dem_hydro show_xs_map true profile_units feet aerial true elevation true xs_label_freq 10 exaggeration 10 extent_factor 2 output_dir \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Reports output_format word_document


Start Time: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 1:58:56 PM here() starts at \mvd/mvr/EGIS/Work/FluvialGeomorph/Tools/FluvialGeomorph-toolbox-main here() starts at \mvd/mvr/EGIS/Work/FluvialGeomorph/Tools/FluvialGeomorph-toolbox-main Sourced utility functions: \mvd/mvr/EGIS/Work/FluvialGeomorph/Tools/FluvialGeomorph-toolbox-main/install/FG_utils.R Setting pandoc directory... Pandoc available: TRUE pandoc version: Find pandoc: C:/Program Files/RStudio/bin/quarto/bin Compare input tool parameters [38;5;246m# A tibble: 26 x 3[39m param_name esri_type r_type
[3m[38;5;246m[39m[23m [3m[38;5;246m[39m[23m [3m[38;5;246m[39m[23m
[38;5;250m 1[39m stream character character [38;5;250m 2[39m flowline_fc character character [38;5;250m 3[39m xs_dimensions_fc character character [38;5;250m 4[39m flowline_points_1 character character [38;5;250m 5[39m flowline_points_2 character character [38;5;250m 6[39m flowline_points_3 character character [38;5;250m 7[39m flowline_points_4 NULL NULL
[38;5;250m 8[39m xs_points_1 character character [38;5;250m 9[39m xs_points_2 character character [38;5;250m10[39m xs_points_3 character character [38;5;250m11[39m xs_points_4 NULL NULL
[38;5;250m12[39m survey_name_1 character character [38;5;250m13[39m survey_name_2 character character [38;5;250m14[39m survey_name_3 character character [38;5;250m15[39m survey_name_4 NULL NULL
[38;5;250m16[39m features_fc character character [38;5;250m17[39m dem character character [38;5;250m18[39m show_xs_map logical logical
[38;5;250m19[39m profile_units character character [38;5;250m20[39m aerial logical logical
[38;5;250m21[39m elevation logical logical
[38;5;250m22[39m xs_label_freq integer integer
[38;5;250m23[39m exaggeration double double
[38;5;250m24[39m extent_factor double double
[38;5;246m# i 2 more rows[39m [38;5;246m# i Use print(n = ...) to see more rows[39m Reading layer flowline_points' from data source \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2023\Trib_HA4_2023.gdb' using driver OpenFileGDB' Simple feature collection with 2393 features and 5 fields Geometry type: POINT Dimension: XYM Bounding box: xmin: 1600666 ymin: 1808827 xmax: 1601193 ymax: 1810848 m_range: mmin: 35.81 mmax: 36.5178 Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / New Mexico Central (ftUS) (NAVD88 height (ftUS)) Reading layerflowline_points' from data source \\mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2016\Trib_HA4_2016_1.gdb' using driverOpenFileGDB' Simple feature collection with 2726 features and 5 fields Geometry type: POINT Dimension: XYM Bounding box: xmin: 375183.3 ymin: 3981646 xmax: 375351.9 ymax: 3982259 m_range: mmin: 35.81 mmax: 36.5178 Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / UTM zone 13N Reading layer flowline_points' from data source \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2014\Trib_HA4_2014_1.gdb' using driver OpenFileGDB' Simple feature collection with 2661 features and 5 fields Geometry type: POINT Dimension: XYM Bounding box: xmin: 375183.3 ymin: 3981646 xmax: 375351.9 ymax: 3982259 m_range: mmin: 35.81 mmax: 36.5178 Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / UTM zone 13N Reading layerxs_100_100_points' from data source \\mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2023\Trib_HA4_2023.gdb' using driverOpenFileGDB' Simple feature collection with 1608 features and 11 fields Geometry type: POINT Dimension: XYM Bounding box: xmin: 1600595 ymin: 1808832 xmax: 1601253 ymax: 1810752 m_range: mmin: 0 mmax: 60.9541 Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / New Mexico Central (ftUS) (NAVD88 height (ftUS)) Reading layer xs_100_100_points' from data source \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2016\Trib_HA4_2016_1.gdb' using driver OpenFileGDB' Simple feature collection with 496 features and 11 fields Geometry type: POINT Dimension: XYM Bounding box: xmin: 375162 ymin: 3981646 xmax: 375369.6 ymax: 3982231 m_range: mmin: 0 mmax: 60.9474 Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / UTM zone 13N Reading layerxs_100_100_points' from data source \\mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2014\Trib_HA4_2014_1.gdb' using driverOpenFileGDB' Simple feature collection with 496 features and 11 fields Geometry type: POINT Dimension: XYM Bounding box: xmin: 375162 ymin: 3981646 xmax: 375369.6 ymax: 3982231 m_range: mmin: 0 mmax: 60.9474 Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / UTM zone 13N Reading layer flowline' from data source \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2023\Trib_HA4_2023.gdb' using driver OpenFileGDB' Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 5 fields Geometry type: MULTILINESTRING Dimension: XY Bounding box: xmin: 1600666 ymin: 1808827 xmax: 1601193 ymax: 1810848 Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / New Mexico Central (ftUS) (NAVD88 height (ftUS)) Reading layerxs_100_100_dims_L1' from data source \\mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2023\Trib_HA4_2023.gdb' using driverOpenFileGDB' Simple feature collection with 8 features and 47 fields Geometry type: MULTILINESTRING Dimension: XY Bounding box: xmin: 1600595 ymin: 1808832 xmax: 1601253 ymax: 1810752 Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / New Mexico Central (ftUS) (NAVD88 height (ftUS)) Reading layer features' from data source \mvd\mvr\EGIS\Work\FluvialGeomorph\Projects\NM_SantaClaraPueblo\Tributaries\Trib_HA4\Trib_HA4_2023\Trib_HA4_2023.gdb' using driver `OpenFileGDB' Simple feature collection with 2 features and 2 fields Geometry type: POINT Dimension: XYZM Bounding box: xmin: 1600666 ymin: 1808827 xmax: 1601193 ymax: 1810848 z_range: zmin: 0 zmax: 0 m_range: mmin: 1.844674e+15 mmax: 1.844674e+15 Projected CRS: NAD83(2011) / New Mexico Central (ftUS) (NAVD88 height (ftUS)) processing file: level_1_report.Rmd

... 7%
...... 13% [library]
.......... 20%
............. 27% [aerial_overview]

Quitting from lines 41-48 [aerial_overview] (level_1_report.Rmd)

Error in signal_abort : The shape Cross Section labels only contains empty units. Error: C stack usage 279256928 is too close to the limit Error: C stack usage 279256928 is too close to the limit Error: C stack usage 279256928 is too close to the limit Failed to execute (LevelOneReport). Failed at Tuesday, March 26, 2024 1:59:13 PM (Elapsed Time: 16.38 seconds)