FluxGarage / RoboEyes

The FluxGarage RoboEyes library draws smoothly animated robot eyes on OLED displays, using the Adafruit GFX library.
GNU General Public License v3.0
51 stars 11 forks source link

Diffrent display hardware uses #1

Open NGKAIEN opened 1 month ago

NGKAIEN commented 1 month ago

Hi,is it possible to use for 1.44inch 128x128 tft screen?

FluxGarage commented 1 month ago

This library works only for OLED screens. But in theory it is possible to make it work in the "TFT world", with some effort of course and a controller that is much faster than the Arduino Uno/Nano V3. Since the Adafruit GFX library also works for TFT, you'd have to use a TFT display driver and then change the respective code lines of the RoboEyes library where the objects are drawn to the correct "TFT syntax".