FluxML / GeometricFlux.jl

Geometric Deep Learning for Flux
MIT License
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Documentation examples incorrect #357

Open eahenle opened 1 year ago

eahenle commented 1 year ago

In the documentation, code is given that does not run. The problem is that the node feature matrix is transposed vs. what it should be.

Example given:

fg = FeaturedGraph(erdos_renyi(100, 20))
fg = FeaturedGraph(fg, nf=rand(100, 5)) # DimensionMismatch

Correct code:

fg = FeaturedGraph(erdos_renyi(100, 20))
fg = FeaturedGraph(fg, nf=rand(5, 100))
eahenle commented 1 year ago

Edit: this particular example actually seems like it's a rough edge between Flux and Pluto, and not actually an issue with GeometricFlux

Another example:

model = Chain(
    GCNConv(1024=>256, relu),
    x -> (node_feature(x), global_feature(x)),
    (nf, gf) -> (softmax(nf), identity.(gf))
) # this works

Implicit expectation:

model(some_featuredgraph) # ❌ this should work, but does not

Actual result: UndefVarError: node_feature not defined. This is very confusing, because node_feature(some_featuredgraph) works without issue in the same Pluto notebook.

Defining a function get_nf_gf solves this:

get_nf_gf(fg) = (node_feature(fg), global_feature(fg))

model = Chain(
    GCNConv(1024=>256, relu),
    (nf, gf) -> (softmax(nf), identity.(gf))

model(some_featuredgraph) # ✔️