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Remove tutorials #156

Closed mcabbott closed 1 year ago

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

After https://github.com/FluxML/Flux.jl/pull/2125 I believe we can delete the tutorial section here completely. Then we have code in two places, the docs + the model zoo, not three. As desired for instance here: https://github.com/FluxML/fluxml.github.io/issues/141#issuecomment-1268466522

Besides the 5 moved to docs already:

This PR also tries to clean up the navbar. The code had a baroque set of switches apparently to deal with relative paths from various places. I'm not certain what it should contain, but the first attempt is this (with current state on top, PR below):

Screenshot 2022-11-26 at 23 33 16

At present that has no links to docs sub-sections. But perhaps it ought not to link to stack overflow / discourse, those are just links not things Flux owns. And could then instead have Ecosystem?

Edit, I see that https://github.com/FluxML/fluxml.github.io/pull/140 is also quite recent WIP. But this aims for the blog here, not the tutorials, I think.

Closes FluxML/fluxml.github.io#122 Closes FluxML/fluxml.github.io#132

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Once the build has completed, you can preview your PR at this URL: https://fluxml.ai/previews/PR156/

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Attempting to add redirects in last commit. But https://fluxml.ai/previews/PR156/getting_started/ doesn't work, although the file looks like https://github.com/FluxML/fluxml.github.io/blob/main/blogposts/2017-08-24-generic-gpu.md which does redirect. Is this a preview limitation?

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Since Flux 0.13.9 is tagged, this ought to be safe to merge.

However, it would be nice if the redirection worked.

I'm also not sure they point to the right place. Maybe some should point to the model zoo instead.

Saransh-cpp commented 1 year ago

The code had a baroque set of switches apparently to deal with relative paths from various places.

This code is a bit annoying, but unfortunately, this is what keeps the previews working 🙂

Given that we store previews within the gh-pages branch (to avoid the extra Netlify infrastructure), it becomes important to ensure that the previews don't access the content of the stable website and vice-versa.

Saransh-cpp commented 1 year ago

For instance, if you go to the preview and click the "blog" button on the navbar, it will redirect you to the "blog" section of the stable website (because this PR now does not use relative links).

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

I see. Is there any way to do that without duplicating the content? Define some variable which is either "" or "../" at the top of the page & splice that in?

Otherwise having to typing the right path into the online preview (but not local ones) might still be preferable to having multiple copies of the same content which can have different mistakes...

Saransh-cpp commented 1 year ago

Is there any way to do that without duplicating the content?

I'll try that! Stuck with my end semester examinations at the moment; we could either switch back to the weird if-else blocks, or keep it like this (as you suggest) for this PR.

Saransh-cpp commented 1 year ago

Attempting to add redirects in last commit. But https://fluxml.ai/previews/PR156/getting_started/ doesn't work, although the file looks like https://github.com/FluxML/fluxml.github.io/blob/main/blogposts/2017-08-24-generic-gpu.md which does redirect. Is this a preview limitation?

Not very sure what is happening here. It should've worked. Will look into this.

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

If restored, the if-else block need only wrap a few entries like blog, rather than duplicating everything.

You don't have any ideas why the redirects are failing, by the way?

Saransh-cpp commented 1 year ago

As far as I can see, the GH Actions are building the redirected endpoints - https://github.com/FluxML/fluxml.github.io/tree/gh-pages/previews/PR156.

But, no idea why the deployment is not showing them.

Saransh-cpp commented 1 year ago

~Oh wait, I think the redirects do not happen automatically, rather - https://github.com/FluxML/fluxml.github.io/blob/main/utils.jl - is used to make everything work.~

But the endpoints should still work.

Saransh-cpp commented 1 year ago

Ah! This PR tries to redirect some pages, but there is no default redirect (or external) command. I went through Franklin's documentation and found nothing on it.

The GH Actions are producing the HTML files, but these HTML files are empty (as the markdown files are empty; Franklin does not understand external). Thus, we do get the endpoints, but these endpoints are blank pages.

The website, right now, uses utils.jl to provide redirects for blogs and tutorials (utils.jl understands external). We should write a similar script for these lost pages, or we could copy paste the pages from Flux's documentation and the endpoints will work.

(Not preview specific, the redirects will fail on the stable website too.)

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Are you saying that hfun_recentposts in utils.jl is run only on the blog posts (whose redirects via external seem to work) and not on the tutorialposts?

Saransh-cpp commented 1 year ago

I might have explained the existing mechanism wrong. Technically, no "redirection" is involved in the blog posts and tutorials. The function hfun_recentposts is responsible for writing the https://fluxml.ai/blog/ and https://fluxml.ai/tutorials/ pages. The links on these pages are given the external variable's value.

For instance, if you go to https://fluxml.ai/blogposts/2018-12-03-ml-language-compiler/ (blog hosted somewhere else), the website will not redirect you. You will be shown an empty web page because the markdown file is empty. But, if you click on "Building a Language and Compiler for Machine Learning (December 2018)" on the "blogs" page, you will land on the correct URL (not redirection, the link itself is the link where the blog is hosted).

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Oh right, sorry, I see now.

Ok, so copying that isn't really the problem. We don't need a page here which links to the new locations.

The only reason to want redirects is in case people elsewhere have links to the existing pages. (Or google might.) Such redirects would have to be made by a different mechanism.

Saransh-cpp commented 1 year ago

I'll check on Franklin's GitHub or Slack if there is a nice way to do this.

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Bump -- https://twitter.com/owainkenway/status/1619003403765694465 is a recent complaint which I'm told is about old Flux tutorials being misleading.

Saransh-cpp commented 1 year ago

My message seems to have gone up on slack. I hope tagging @tlienart here would be okay.

Just to reiterate, we want to redirect users from some specific endpoint to another. For instance, https://clusterinnovationcentre.github.io will automatically redirect you to https://clusterinnovationcentre.github.io/convoke/2023. This happens because index.html has the following contents -

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=./2023/"/>

Can we perform such a redirect (another website redirect instead of a relative URL redirect) using Franklin? Maybe something like a "redirect" variable?

tlienart commented 1 year ago

No problem, assuming you're using Franklin and not Xranklin (I'm on my phone so can't check) you can use {{redirect the/path/you/want.html}} on a target page. Someone entering the path you want as URL would then be redirected to the target page

Saransh-cpp commented 1 year ago

Thank you! That should do!

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

149a8bb adds something like that. But going to https://fluxml.ai/previews/PR156/tutorialposts/2021-10-14-vanilla-gan/ still loads a stub page here, rather than a page in the docs.

tlienart commented 1 year ago

You should remove the first part up to the path prefix (so everything before fluxml and including it) + add an explicit path all the way to .html (see here: https://franklinjl.org/syntax/page-variables/index.html#basic_functions) in your case it should be something like

{{redirect /tutorials/.../index.html}}

where the ... is replaced with what you have in your commit after tutorials

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Thanks for taking a look.

But is this the right way around? The linked docs say "when a user goes to (baseurl)/some/other/addr.html, they will be redirected to the current page" which sound like this code should be on the new page (where you want readers to land).

The meta tag above is instead placed on the old page (where you're removing content) to send readers elsewhere.

The pages we would ideally like to send readers to are either in Flux's docs (generated by Documenter) or else in the model-zoo, a separate repository with README pages.

tlienart commented 1 year ago

Ah crap I misunderstood your problem it seems, what you put in your comment is right:

with the {{redirect /some/path/index.html}} if you put it on foo/bar/baz.md then

I think that was clear from your previous comment.

Now if you want the reverse, i.e. you put the content on /foo/bar/baz.md but instead of wanting the content at /foo/bar/baz/ you want it at /some/path/ then you want to add

... # other definitions here 
slug = "/some/path/"

at the top of /foo/bar/baz.md.

In that case when a user goes to /some/path/ they'll stay there and see the content translated from /foo/bar/baz.md

I hope this clears things up a bit for your use case.

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Ok I think I understand. But the point of this PR is no longer to attempt to host this code within the website at all (since it goes stale here).

The hope was to send anyone following a link here along to either the model zoo (different domain, github README) or else to a page in the docs (same domain, Documenter). I believe that's what Saransh's meta code would do -- there isn't some way to embed a literal tag?

Or can we use .htaccess here?

tlienart commented 1 year ago

this is getting a bit tricky but doable, if you want all pages to redirect to some url (say URL) in your layout you can add something like

{{ispage tutorials/*}}
  <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url='URL'" />

any page generated under tutorials will then act as a redirect to the same point.

if you want each page to act as a redirect to a separate location, you can code this up in a utils.jl function and call it in <head></head>

tlienart commented 1 year ago

(comment updated, meta refresh needs to be in <head> so you can't just put that in the body)

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Great, the present state of this PR has these headings:

Screenshot 2023-02-08 at 14 12 30

I am giving up on making redirects work; someone else can try (in another PR) if strongly desired. The main thing is not to leave bad & outdated examples up in such an official place.

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Ah in fact https://fluxml.ai/previews/PR156/tutorialposts/2021-10-14-vanilla-gan/ does now redirect. I don't know what changed. But 1d13aa4 could then be done for other pages too. In another PR.

darsnack commented 1 year ago

Weird, I didn't see it in the preview earlier today, but I see it now.

mcabbott commented 1 year ago

Weird indeed.

Thanks @tlienart for your help with this!