FlyBase / GO-curation

For projects related to GO curation in FlyBase
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Adding other fly ontologies to Noctua #81

Closed hattrill closed 3 months ago

hattrill commented 1 year ago

Talk to GOC and P2GO about adding FBdv and FBbt to annotation tools.

hattrill commented 5 months ago

Noctua is done. P2GO needs more information:

Hi Helen,

Regarding loading FlyBase anatomy into Protein2GO, this is the information we have from WormBase.

We’d need to know which branch of Fly anatomy we should load, and if it has a GO equivalence.

Also, we need to know for each of the extension relations, which top Fly anatomy term is allowed.

Can you provide this information ? Let me know if it’s not clear.

Thanks, Pascale

Here what the GOA database has to enable annotation extensions as an examples from WB.

From GO-UPPER.OBO you can see

[Term] id: WBbt:0004017 is_a: GO:0005623 ! cell

result in the GOA database in following entity->parent relation

WBbt:0004017 GO:0005623

following data from go-upper.obo also extracted

WBbt:0005766 UBERON:0001062 WBls:0000002 WBls:0000075 WBls:0000075 nematoda life stage UBERON:0000105 WBls:0000091 WBls:0000075 WBls:0000101 WBls:0000075

From GOREL.OBO in "property_value: local_range":

[Typedef] id: has_end_location name: has end location def: "x 'has end location' y if and only if there exists some process z such that x 'ends with' z and z 'occurs in' y" [] subset: AE_cell_or_anatomical subset: AE_cellular_component subset: display_for_curators subset: ro-eco subset: valid_for_annotation_extension xref: RO:0002232 property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125 property_value: IAO:0000117 property_value: IAO:0000118 "ends with process that occurs in" xsd:string property_value: local_domain BFO:0000015 xsd:string property_value: local_range "CL:0000000 GO:0005575 PO:0025131 UBERON:0001062 WBbt:0004017 WBbt:0005766 NCBITaxon:1" xsd:string property_value: usage "Use this relation to relate a biological process to the location (cell component, cell type, anatomical location) in which the process ends. Examples include recording the cell-type or cellular compartment in which a cell-cell signalling process ends. To record a location in which the entire process occurs, please use 'occurs in'." xsd:string domain: BFO:0000015 range: BFO:0000004 is_a: go_annotation_extension_relation ! go annotation extension relation is_a: has_part_that_occurs_in ! has part that occurs in

results in the GOA DB as following

has_end_location WBbt:0004017 has_end_location WBbt:0005766

and for other relations data extracted as bellow. Something similar needs to be added for FlyBase.



acts_on_population_of WBbt:0004017 results_in_determination_of WBbt:0004017 results_in_commitment_to WBbt:0004017 results_in_acquisition_of_features_of WBbt:0004017 regulates_o_results_in_specification_of WBbt:0004017 regulates_o_results_in_movement_of WBbt:0004017 has_start_location WBbt:0004017 results_in_movement_of WBbt:0004017 occurs_in WBbt:0004017 results_in_morphogenesis_of WBbt:0004017 part_of WBbt:0004017 results_in_maturation_of WBbt:0004017 results_in_division_of WBbt:0004017 regulates_o_occurs_in WBbt:0004017 results_in_formation_of WBbt:0004017 regulates_o_results_in_acquisition_of_features_of WBbt:0004017 results_in_specification_of WBbt:0004017 regulates_o_results_in_development_of WBbt:0004017 results_in_development_of WBbt:0004017

results_in_development_of WBbt:0005766 regulates_o_results_in_development_of WBbt:0005766 regulates_o_occurs_in WBbt:0005766 part_of WBbt:0005766 occurs_in WBbt:0005766 has_start_location WBbt:0005766 regulates_o_results_in_acquisition_of_features_of WBbt:0005766 results_in_morphogenesis_of WBbt:0005766 results_in_maturation_of WBbt:0005766 results_in_formation_of WBbt:0005766

existence_overlaps WBls:0000075 exists_during WBls:0000075 existence_starts_and_ends_during WBls:0000075 happens_during WBls:0000075 part_of WBls:0000075

hattrill commented 5 months ago

For upper terms:

[Term] id: FBbt:00007002 is_a: GO:0005623 ! cell

[Term] id: FBbt:10000000 is_a: UBERON:0001062 ! anatomical entity

[Term] id: FBdv:00007012 is_a: UBERON:0000105 ! life cycle stage

For the GOREL.OBO in "property_value: local_range" I have just added the FB values:

[Typedef] id: has_end_location name: has end location def: "x 'has end location' y if and only if there exists some process z such that x 'ends with' z and z 'occurs in' y" [] subset: AE_cell_or_anatomical subset: AE_cellular_component subset: display_for_curators subset: ro-eco subset: valid_for_annotation_extension xref: RO:0002232 property_value: IAO:0000114 IAO:0000125 property_value: IAO:0000117 property_value: IAO:0000118 "ends with process that occurs in" xsd:string property_value: local_domain BFO:0000015 xsd:string property_value: local_range "CL:0000000 GO:0005575 PO:0025131 UBERON:0001062 WBbt:0004017 WBbt:0005766 FBbt:00007002 FBbt:10000000 NCBITaxon:1" xsd:string property_value: usage "Use this relation to relate a biological process to the location (cell component, cell type, anatomical location) in which the process ends. Examples include recording the cell-type or cellular compartment in which a cell-cell signalling process ends. To record a location in which the entire process occurs, please use 'occurs in'." xsd:string domain: BFO:0000015 range: BFO:0000004 is_a: go_annotation_extension_relation ! go annotation extension relation is_a: has_part_that_occurs_in ! has part that occurs in

And for other relations data:

acts_on_population_of FBbt:00007002 results_in_determination_of FBbt:00007002 results_in_commitment_to FBbt:00007002 results_in_acquisition_of_features_of FBbt:00007002 regulates_o_results_in_specification_of FBbt:00007002 regulates_o_results_in_movement_of FBbt:00007002 has_start_location FBbt:00007002 results_in_movement_of FBbt:00007002 occurs_in FBbt:00007002 results_in_morphogenesis_of FBbt:00007002 part_of FBbt:00007002 results_in_maturation_of FBbt:00007002 results_in_division_of FBbt:00007002 regulates_o_occurs_in FBbt:00007002 results_in_formation_of FBbt:00007002 regulates_o_results_in_acquisition_of_features_of FBbt:00007002 results_in_specification_of FBbt:00007002 regulates_o_results_in_development_of FBbt:00007002 results_in_development_of FBbt:00007002

results_in_development_of FBbt:10000000 regulates_o_results_in_development_of FBbt:10000000 regulates_o_occurs_in FBbt:10000000 part_of FBbt:10000000 occurs_in FBbt:10000000 has_start_location FBbt:10000000 regulates_o_results_in_acquisition_of_features_of FBbt:10000000 results_in_morphogenesis_of FBbt:10000000 results_in_maturation_of FBbt:10000000 results_in_formation_of FBbt:10000000

existence_overlaps FBdv:00007012 exists_during FBdv:00007012 existence_starts_and_ends_during FBdv:00007012 happens_during FBdv:00007012 part_of FBdv:00007012