FlyBase / drosophila-phenotype-ontology

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Increased viability phenotypes #147

Open Clare72 opened 2 years ago

Clare72 commented 2 years ago

We already have 'long-lived' but might want to consider phenotypes for increased viability during development or increased survival due to some kind of challenge e.g. starvation, infection...

Clare72 commented 1 year ago

I think the increased survival due to some kind of challenge could use the abnormallyIncreasedResistanceOfWholeOrganismToEntity pattern ('abnormallyDecreased' and 'abnormal' also available) possibly coupled with terms from XCO for conditions (e.g. 'fasting', 'pathogen')

Clare72 commented 1 year ago

For increased viability during development, something similar to the terms under 'increased mortality during development' might be best: label: 'decreased mortality during development' logical def would be something like: 'has part' some (('inheres in' some ('population of Drosophila' and ('has member' some ('multicellular organism' and (has_age some (precedes some 'mature adult stage')))) and ('has member' only ('multicellular organism' and (has_age some (precedes some 'mature adult stage')))))) and ('has decreased age-specific mortality rate' some xsd:short[>= "5"^^xsd:short])

Would require a new data property for 'decreased age specific mortality rate'. Like the lethal phase terms, this is not currently possible to patternise in upeno.