FlyTechVideos / BluescreenSimulator

Bluescreen Simulator for Windows
MIT License
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Command after complete #121

Closed Clippy-0 closed 11 months ago

Clippy-0 commented 1 year ago

The command after complete doesn't work. When I enable unsafe mode (BluescreenSimulator.exe --enable-unsafe), it displays program help. image

Colorowyy commented 1 year ago

Bro i found out the problem, get into PowerShell type cd desktop and thentry typing .\BluescreenSimulator.exe ––enable-unsafe ––win10 this should work

Maxey1950 commented 1 year ago

It is .\BluescreenSimulator.exe --win10 --enable-unsafe

FlyTechVideos commented 11 months ago

3.4.0 will have unsafe mode enabled by default. Will be released soon.

FlyTechVideos commented 11 months ago

No more unsafe mode! Commands now just work without you specifying unsafe mode. Try it: