FlyTechVideos / BluescreenSimulator

Bluescreen Simulator for Windows
MIT License
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cURL getting nothing from download link #176

Open kailando opened 3 months ago

kailando commented 3 months ago

So, I did a simple cURL: cURL (newest version at the time of posting)

Output: . Please help, there was nothing.

Note: The reason I did this is because Microsoft Edge isn't letting me download the file. Other people have reported the exact same issue, though.

SamyoFox commented 3 months ago

curl outputs to the shell by default, if you want to save the contents to a file you need to specify it using -o filename

kailando commented 2 months ago

@SamyoFox I am using Windows Command Prompt, not Mac. I use curl http://... >> filename.txt, sorry.

SamyoFox commented 2 months ago

It's the same tool on all platforms, so the arguments are the same.