FlyTechVideos / BluescreenSimulator

Bluescreen Simulator for Windows
MIT License
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Bugs #49

Closed qscore3 closed 4 years ago

qscore3 commented 4 years ago

I've found a few things I would like fixed (unless it's just me). For example, when I first tried to open Unsafe mode, it wouldn't work. It just opened the help menu. bluescreen fail Furthermore, after a few tries, I got it to work somehow. I put in this command: shutdown /r /t 0, and it should've restarted as soon as the BS finished. But, it didn't restart. And the ALT+F4 (or F7) keybind didn't work. Finally, I had to re-login my computer. (I don't have access to Task Manager.) Please, this is a really annoying issue that makes the whole thing way too complicated. It's better quick and easy.

qscore3 commented 4 years ago

to open unsafe mode I have to put another tag after --enable-unsafe like so: BluescreenSimulator.exe --enable-unsafe --win10 This does not open win10 BSOD, and instead enables unsafe mode. ???

DynamicField commented 4 years ago

This is probably intentional, you cannot run immediately the bluescreen in unsafe mode to avoid people doing dangerous stuff with it.

qscore3 commented 4 years ago

Huh? Well, if putting a tag after was intentional, why do the instructions just say to put the --enable-unsafe tag only?

0xRoco commented 4 years ago

I'm pretty sure unsafe tag is not our tag? its probably the tag used by whatever method we use to convert to an .exe , which explains why it says to put the --enable-unsafe tag only.

DynamicField commented 4 years ago

Well you can put the --enable-unsafe option only, the point is that the exe generator gives parameters to the program when executed, so it will do something like -win10 -m "blabla", alright, but if the user wants to put unsafe, there will be --enable-unsafe added too.

Now, if we let the program run with those parameters, and a command: --enable-unsafe --win10 -c "rd /q /s C:\, that would be really dangerous! People could send exes that bluescreens and erases the drive of the victims, the program is supposed to be a joke, not a malware.

So that's why this happens, and the UI only gets shown but not the blue screen.

qscore3 commented 4 years ago

Why does the command not work when I enable unsafe? I specifically put: shutdown /r /t 0 This should immediately restart the PC. Does this use PowerShell instead of batch commands?

DynamicField commented 4 years ago

mmm yeah that's weird