FlyTechVideos / BluescreenSimulator

Bluescreen Simulator for Windows
MIT License
224 stars 91 forks source link

Suggestions. Suggestions: click to find out #enhancement #61

Open TheEeveeLovers opened 3 years ago

TheEeveeLovers commented 3 years ago

I want to be able to change the numeral range in which the random number generator can generate a number. And also be able to add custom QR codes.

boston2029 commented 3 years ago

I like the QR code change, yeah. Because they scan URL and get like fake phone update or something XD I like it!

FlyTechVideos commented 11 months ago

@TheEeveeLovers 3.4.0 has an option to make the progress be slower/faster depending on your liking. Is that a sufficient replacement for your wish? I don't think changing the random generator makes a lot of sense, what would be your use case?

Custom QR codes are not possible by design, sorry.