FlyTechVideos / BluescreenSimulator

Bluescreen Simulator for Windows
MIT License
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Custom colors fail in a generated exe file (3.2) #80

Closed F1repup650 closed 2 years ago

F1repup650 commented 3 years ago

If you use custom colors and then generate an exe/cmd it says:

Something bad occurred when parsing the color: #FA90909,
System.FormatException: Token is not valid.
at MS.Internal.Parsers.ParseColor(String color, IFormatProvider formatprovider, ITypeDescriptorContext context)
at System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(String value)
at BluescreenSimulator.CmdParameterAttribute.TryGetColor(String c, Color& result)

any idea why/how to fix? Sorry for mouse in pic. 2021-04-29 14_11_14-

GavinGoGaming commented 3 years ago

getting this same error. any fix?

SunkenPotato commented 2 years ago

Try 3.1. ... maybe that works.

RaspberryKitty1 commented 2 years ago

same error

Herobrine8761 commented 2 years ago

I am also having the same issue. When I created one .EXE file, it showed up some random error about custom color and then runs the bluescreen with blue color.