Flyer53 / jsPanel3

A jQuery Plugin to create highly configurable floating panels, modals, tooltips, hints/notifiers or contextmenus for use in a backend solution and other web applications.
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[BUG] jsPanel gets glued to mouse cursor and moves around with it #43

Closed temuri416 closed 7 years ago

temuri416 commented 7 years ago


I'm using jsPanel to display PDF files inline using Adobe Acrobat reader plugin.

While dragging the jsPanel instance with the PDF displayed inline, often mouse pointer would stutter for an instant and then jsPanel gets attached to it and follows pointer around even after I release mouse button.

Any idea what might be happening?


Flyer53 commented 7 years ago

Hey there, yes, I noticed this already. Also happens sometimes when the content is an iframe. What to do: The easiest way to prevent this is to add some padding to the content section. Funny: Just added an example displaying a PDF to the jsPanel version 4 preview docs yesterday (example 4, needs a moment to load the pdf) I have yet to investigate the real reason behind this issue.

Flyer53 commented 7 years ago

Ok, the solution above is not as good as I thought. It helps a bit with the resizeit interaction, but not really with dragit. I already have a better solution I can incorporate in the script. Just need to make a few more tests and then I think I can release something in a few days.

temuri416 commented 7 years ago

Fantastic, much appreciated!

Flyer53 commented 7 years ago

Hi again, I prepared a download package with a fix. Although it seems to work fine I'm not sure yet whether there isn't a better way to solve this. However, I would appreciate if you try it and give me some feedback. Important: This fix assumes you use the built-in interactions dragit and resizeit (not the jQuery UI interactions draggable and resizable)

temuri416 commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I'll work on it later today! Will keep you posted.

Flyer53 commented 7 years ago

Ok, I think I found a better fix. Please download the new archive and check whether it works in your scenario. This new fix still assumes you use dragit/resizeit and not (jQuery UI draggable/resizable)

temuri416 commented 7 years ago

Well... So far, so good. I can't break it here. Will try a different computer in a few hours.

temuri416 commented 7 years ago

Nope... Can't break it!

Flyer53 commented 7 years ago

Sounds good to me :) I suggest you use it that way. The fix will be part of an official v3.9.1 release next week I guess.

Flyer53 commented 7 years ago

Just released v3.9.1 with the fix you already have. I consider this issue as solved and close it. In case you still have problems just let me know. Regards, Stefan

temuri416 commented 7 years ago

thanks, most appreciated!

temuri416 commented 7 years ago

BTW - where is your donation/support page?

Flyer53 commented 7 years ago

Two options for a donation:

Would of course be very grateful for a small contribution :)

temuri416 commented 7 years ago

There you go :-) Your efforts are appreciated.