FlyingHii / laravel-web-crawler

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Laravel parts #2

Open FlyingHii opened 6 months ago

FlyingHii commented 6 months ago
Priyanshu-3000 commented 6 months ago

Certainly! Here's a brief outline of the logic for each controller method:


  1. list(): Retrieve all products from the database and pass them to the view for rendering.
  2. pagination(): Paginate the list of products retrieved from the database and return the paginated results to the view.
  3. filter(): Accept filters as input (e.g., category, price range), apply these filters to the query to retrieve filtered products, and return the filtered results to the view.


  4. list(): Retrieve all orders associated with the authenticated user from the database and pass them to the view for rendering.
  5. pagination(): Paginate the list of orders retrieved from the database and return the paginated results to the view.
  6. filter(): Accept filters as input (e.g., date range, order status), apply these filters to the query to retrieve filtered orders, and return the filtered results to the view.


  7. pay(): Handle the checkout process. This may involve:
    • Retrieving the user's cart items.
    • Calculating the total price.
    • Processing the payment (integrating with a payment gateway).
    • Creating an order record in the database with the cart items and other relevant information.
    • Clearing the user's cart after successful payment.
    • Returning a response to indicate the success or failure of the payment process.


  1. register(): Accept user registration data (e.g., name, email, password), validate the input, create a new user record in the database, and log in the user.
  2. login(): Accept user login credentials (e.g., email, password), authenticate the user, and log them in if the credentials are correct.

Authentication Logic:

  1. Implement authentication middleware to protect certain routes and actions that require authentication (e.g., checkout process, viewing orders).
  2. Ensure proper validation and error handling for authentication-related actions (e.g., displaying error messages for invalid login attempts).
  3. Utilize Laravel's built-in authentication features or custom authentication logic as per your application's requirements.

These are the basic logics for each controller method. You would need to implement these logics in the corresponding controller methods in your Laravel application. Let me know if you need further clarification on any specific part!

joeljohn135 commented 5 months ago

Application Structure Outline


Models are crucial in representing the application's data structure and facilitating interaction with the database.






Controllers handle the application's business logic, responding to user requests.

Products Controller

Orders Controller

Checkout Controller

User Controller

Controller Logic

Products Controller



Filter (Important)

Orders Controller




Checkout Controller


User Controller

