Fmstrat / diy-ipmi

A DIY IPMI / IP KVM system utilizing the Raspberry Pi
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KVM with only Pi Zero W #40

Open jtoland opened 5 years ago

jtoland commented 5 years ago


I don't know if you are intending to update this but I am currently looking at getting this running on a single pi zero w. You can now get a CSI to HDMI adaptor so that everything can just run off 1 pi.

I was wondering if you could help me get this working if you have some spare time.

Kind Regards

Neo2199 commented 4 years ago

Nice work. I am going to build one on pi4. Would be nice to see performance comparison between the zero and pi4. I know you mentioned that performance on zero is super slow, but can you put some numbers? how many fps? I think most of the people are building this remote KVM just to do computer reinstall or some basic diagnostics. So not sure how much performance is needed in order to do few simple task.

mdevaev commented 4 years ago

@Neo2199 Right now I'm on vacation away from my projects, so I can't answer your question yet. The difference is about 15 vs 25 fps as I remember. But the most important thing is that it is almost impossible to upload an iso image to zero while streaming. It takes up all resources.

Neo2199 commented 4 years ago

Sure, I think this gives me much better idea on what is happening. Out of curiosity, can you set some priorities? So let say the streaming has always access to about 50% of CPU? What mainly interested me on zero w was small footprint, low price, and low power consumption so it can be powered from single USB if wanted. Anyhow, I think this is a great project as is. Thanks. I have just ordered parts, so will be some time till I have a working prototype.

mdevaev commented 4 years ago


50% of CPU?

Yes, but it's not just the CPU, the I/O capabilities of Zero also leave much to be desired. Write to discord if you have any questions.