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FoRTE Trait Plasticity Discussion and Ideas #76

Open kdorheim opened 3 years ago

kdorheim commented 3 years ago

Some of this has already discussed in #75 but this issue consolidates all of the thoughts. @ashiklom had and idea about how to use Lisa's data to improve this in ED so wanted to keep track of this idea for the future.

So it turns out that out of the box ED does do trait plasticity for the non tropics. For the BGC paper @ashiklom tweaked the source code see ( so that the FoRTE relevant PFTs could exhibit trait plasticity.

From slack discussion with @ashiklom on 2020-08-13

Depends on whether ED actually spits out the adjusted SLA values. I don’t think it does, but I could be wrong. The SLA parameter can be thought of as sla0. For the other results, I had to tweak the ED source code to make trait plasticity work for all PFTs, not just tropical ones. I could have sworn that was incorporated in my fork of ED, but if not, it’s a quick fix. I would take those results with a heavy grain of salt, though — the plasticity equations are for the tropics, so they might over or underestimate the amount of plasticity in temperate trees.

Potential Idea For work with @lisahaber

That said, if you have good data on SLA and Vcmax as a function of light level (e.g. from Lisa), you could try using those coefficients. As a first pass, you can just change the numbers in the source code, and then we can worry about how to merge it with the rest of the code later.

bpbond commented 3 years ago

Super useful to have summarized here @kdorheim - thanks. I agree with your potential idea; if appropriate and LH is interested, sounds easy to implement.

lisahaber commented 3 years ago

Interesting stuff, thanks @kdorheim ! I do have TONS of site-specific SLA data, as well as access to older (more limited, but still site-specific) data on Vcmax. Unfortunately, I do NOT have concomitant leaf-level PAR/light data from pre-disturbance within FoRTE -- I only started collecting PAR data along with my Asat & SLA measurements this year (because I was misinformed about how the LICOR 6400 works in the closed-top chamber formation). So I have ~400 subcanopy and ~220 canopy leaf data points from summer 2020 with photosynthetic rate, instantaneous PAR, and SLA.

lisahaber commented 3 years ago

That said, I'm interested to talk more about this and maybe there's a cool path to explore here