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leaf data: canopy vs subcanopy #90

Open lisahaber opened 3 years ago

lisahaber commented 3 years ago

A few things:

(1) fd_photosynthesis() currently returns only the subcanopy leaf phys data from 2018, whereas fd_leaf_spectrometry() only returns the canopy (D rep) spectral data from 2018 and 2020. Canopy trees and subcanopy trees can easily be distinguished based on their tree IDs, but we may want to add a data column with "canopy" or "subcanopy" (or some other identifying statement) to each of these data sets to help distinguish them. (And obviously, there are a TON of missing data right now from each year and I'm working on resolving that.)

(2) Along same lines, the variable "leaf_id" can be retained for the subcanopy data but every leaf id will be "01" because only one leaf was sampled from each of these trees in each year. In fd_leaf_spectrometry() and elsewhere, the "can__" part of the leaf ID (e.g. "can01") can be dropped and just the numerical part retained. I changed my naming scheme after 2018 and so this "can01" business is residual from that earlier scheme and my fault.

(3) We currently do not have any function returning the leaf morphology data (LMA). I have to first get all of those data uploaded in a more or less consistent format to the FoRTE/data Drive folder but that is something we will want to create. Maybe it could be called "fd_leaf_morphology()" or "fd_morphology()" or something like that.