FoalTS / foal

Full-featured Node.js framework, with no complexity. 🚀 Simple and easy to use, TypeScript-based and well-documented.
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Add more comparisons to other frameworks #378

Closed chimon2000 closed 4 years ago

chimon2000 commented 5 years ago

Just to name a few

LoicPoullain commented 5 years ago

Hi Ryan,

Thank you for the suggestion! I will find time to add new comparisons in the documentation


chimon2000 commented 5 years ago

Np, Odi and Foal looked very similar just from a high level, minus the fact that Foal uses Express and Odi uses Fastify.

Sharlaan commented 5 years ago

@chimon2000 Nest has both Fastify/Express "adapters"

In my opinion, Nest seems to lead at the moment :

I don't know about Adonis

One drawback i found about Nest is its complexity sometimes documentation is scarce about Auth integrations. Foal's looked better in this regard, but still missing "Social Auth". 2 full examples with OpenAPI autodoc, login/pw, social auth, and pw reset would be awesome and would definitely put a framework on leading edge, one for REST, other for Graph. Foal has a few examples right at start of the main Documentation, nice step in this regard 👍

Also Foal testing seems based on Mocha. I'm not an expert but how about using AVA or JEST, and Cypress for e2e ?

Would be nice to see a table showing fundamental differences between all these frameworks, a bit like Vue did compared to Angular/React on its front page.

LoicPoullain commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your feedback Raphaël! It really helps me in improving FoalTS in the future.

Nest is its complexity

Yes, FoalTS intends to be simpler that Nest.

still missing "Social Auth"

Totally agree with that. I'm currently working on it (reading IETF specifications, defining the components that would be adapted to these scenarios: regular web apps, SPA + API or Mobile + API). I hope to support the common auth providers (Google, Twitter, FB, Github, Linkedin) by the end of June or July. In the meantime, it is still possible to use Foal with other services such as Auth0 or Cognito to manage authentication.

2 full examples with OpenAPI autodoc, login/pw, social auth, and pw reset would be awesome and would definitely put a framework on leading edge, one for REST, other for Graph.

I'm taking note of this. Thanks! Maybe this could be added just after resolving this issue: #423.

Foal has a few examples right at start of the main Documentation, nice step in this regard 👍


and Cypress for e2e ?

Didn't know about Cypress. I'll take a closer look.

Would be nice to see a table showing fundamental differences between all these frameworks, a bit like Vue did compared to Angular/React on its front page.

Taking note of this as well.

opensas commented 2 years ago

I couldn't find the comparison with other frameworks page

It's a fast way to explain what foal is about, as long as it is as much objective and sincere as possible, and I think you achieved such a thing.

I hope you can bring it back

LoicPoullain commented 2 years ago

@opensas the old page can be found here: I removed it back then because I felt it was not as objective as I imagined but, apparently, you prove me wrong 😄.

I'm currently working on re-adding two pages to compare the framework to Express/Fastify and to Nest which are apparently the three big frameworks that people are comparing Foal with when choosing a framework. I'd like to present use cases with code examples to make it as objective as possible.

opensas commented 2 years ago

Yes, that would be great, BTW, now that you mentioned it, is there any chance to also have fastify as an underlining library, like nest has?

LoicPoullain commented 2 years ago

I'd prefer, for maintenance reasons, to have only one underlying framework (Express or Fastify). Currently, Foal uses Express and I'm not really convinced that Fastify would brind that much: What do you think?

warren-gallagher commented 11 months ago

Just found this thread now. I am happy with Express although I have a concern because it is essentially a deprecated project so migrating to something that is supported would provide some comfort…