Foggalong / RobustOCS

Robust optimal contirbution selection problems for genetics with Python
MIT License
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Output Utilities #17

Closed Foggalong closed 1 month ago

Foggalong commented 1 month ago

Jamie has requested some additional utilities for analysing output, e.g. computing expected genetic merit and group co-ancestry. Generally the utilities are fairly limited/hacky at the moment so can be improved alongside this.

Foggalong commented 1 month ago

@sakurita17 Started this 55924ac! First two are just aliases for computing w'μ and w'Σw directly, but hopefully the third will be useful.

If a OCS problem (or robust OCS problem) has been solved then group_coancestry_fast takes the solver output and works backwards to find what w'Σw must have been. This turns out to be an order of magnitude faster than the direct computation since it only involves vector-vector products, not matrix-vector :smiley: