Foggalong / hardcode-fixer

Fixes Hardcoded Icons
GNU General Public License v3.0
287 stars 49 forks source link

Mint icons #215

Closed zummuz closed 8 years ago

zummuz commented 8 years ago

Hello. hardcode-fixer no longer fixes at least 3 icons on Linux Mint (they are in the list):

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

We need the desktop file name too :)

zummuz commented 8 years ago

Im not sure what do you ask. This: mintdrivers.desktop Name=Driver Manager

mintinstall.desktop Name=Software Manager

mintsources.desktop Name=Software Sources ?

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

Yes, thanks;

zummuz commented 8 years ago

It should already work? I guess I've reported something wrong, because it doesn't.

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

Yes but you will need to execute the script again

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

Try to logout and log in

zummuz commented 8 years ago

I've executed the script again and relogged - doesn't work

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

What was the output when you've executed the script? Can i get the content of each desktop file too?

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

You have used sudo ./

zummuz commented 8 years ago

It was silent, then I deleted all with -r and executed again: G: Fixing GDebi... G: Fixing HP Printer... G: Fixing Mint Backup... G: Fixing Mint Backup... G: Fixing Mint Nanny... G: Fixing Mint Upload Manager... G: Fixing Nvidia Settings... G: Fixing Python (v2.7)... G: Fixing Python (v3.4)...

You have used sudo ./


Can i get the content of each desktop file too?

I've deleted Name[%lang]= and Comment[%lang]= lines.

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

can you share the output of tree /usr/share/applications/?

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

The icons seem to not be hardcoded at all...Are you using Numix Circle? If so , try updating icon cache. sudo gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/Numix-Circle/

zummuz commented 8 years ago

/usr/share/applications/ ├── apturl_mime.desktop ├── audacious.desktop ├── audacity.desktop ├── banshee-audiocd.desktop ├── banshee.desktop ├── banshee-media-player.desktop ├── baobab.desktop ├── bluetooth-sendto.desktop ├── bluetooth-wizard.desktop ├── brasero.desktop ├── brasero-nautilus.desktop ├── chromium-browser.desktop ├── cinnamon2d.desktop ├── cinnamon-bluetooth-properties.desktop ├── cinnamon-color-panel.desktop ├── cinnamon-control-center.desktop ├── cinnamon-datetime-panel.desktop ├── cinnamon.desktop ├── cinnamon-display-panel.desktop ├── cinnamon-killer-daemon.desktop ├── cinnamon-menu-editor.desktop ├── cinnamon-network-panel.desktop ├── cinnamon-region-panel.desktop ├── cinnamon-screensaver.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-applets.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-backgrounds.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-calendar.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-daemon.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-default.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-desklets.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-desktop.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-effects.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-extensions.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-fonts.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-general.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-hotcorner.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-info.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-keyboard.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-mouse.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-notifications.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-panel.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-power.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-privacy.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-screensaver.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-startup.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-themes.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-tiling.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-user.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-users.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-windows.desktop ├── cinnamon-settings-workspaces.desktop ├── cinnamon-sound-nua-panel.desktop ├── cinnamon-sound-panel.desktop ├── cinnamon-universal-access-panel.desktop ├── cinnamon-wacom-panel.desktop ├── defaults.list -> /etc/gnome/defaults.list ├── eog.desktop ├── evince.desktop ├── evince-previewer.desktop ├── file-roller.desktop ├── firefox.desktop ├── gcalctool.desktop ├── gcr-prompter.desktop ├── gcr-viewer.desktop ├── gdebi.desktop ├── gedit.desktop ├── gimp.desktop ├── gkbd-keyboard-display.desktop ├── gksu.desktop ├── gnome-disk-image-mounter.desktop ├── gnome-disk-image-writer.desktop ├── gnome-disks.desktop ├── gnome-font-viewer.desktop ├── gnome-panel.desktop ├── gnome-power-statistics.desktop ├── gnome-screenshot.desktop ├── gnome-system-log.desktop ├── gnome-system-monitor.desktop ├── gnome-terminal.desktop ├── gthumb.desktop ├── gthumb-import.desktop ├── gucharmap.desktop ├── gufw.desktop ├── hexchat.desktop ├── hplj1020.desktop ├── icedtea-netx-javaws.desktop ├── im-config.desktop ├── inkscape.desktop ├── itweb-settings.desktop ├── kde4 │   ├── mintBackup.desktop │   ├── mintdrivers.desktop │   ├── mintNanny.desktop │   ├── mintsources.desktop │   ├── mintupload.desktop │   └── mintWelcome.desktop ├── libreoffice-base.desktop ├── libreoffice-calc.desktop ├── libreoffice-draw.desktop ├── libreoffice-impress.desktop ├── libreoffice-math.desktop ├── libreoffice-startcenter.desktop ├── libreoffice-writer.desktop ├── libreoffice-xsltfilter.desktop -> /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/xdg/xsltfilter.desktop ├── lynis.desktop ├── metacity.desktop ├── mimeinfo.cache ├── mintBackup.desktop ├── mintBackup_mime.desktop ├── mintdrivers.desktop ├── mintinstall.desktop ├── mintinstall-kde.desktop ├── mintinstall-mime.desktop ├── mintLocale.desktop ├── mintlocale-im.desktop ├── mintNanny.desktop ├── mintsources.desktop ├── mintstick.desktop ├── mintstick-format.desktop ├── mintstick-format-kde.desktop ├── mintstick-kde.desktop ├── mintupdate.desktop ├── mintupdate-kde.desktop ├── mintupload.desktop ├── mint-user-guide.desktop ├── mintWelcome.desktop ├── mono-runtime-common.desktop ├── mono-runtime-terminal.desktop ├── nemo-autorun-software.desktop ├── nemo-autostart.desktop ├── nemo.desktop ├── nm-applet.desktop ├── nm-applet_mate.desktop ├── nm-connection-editor.desktop ├── notification-daemon.desktop ├── nvidia-settings.desktop ├── openjdk-7-java.desktop ├── openjdk-7-policytool.desktop ├── orca.desktop ├── pidgin.desktop ├── python2.7.desktop ├── python3.4.desktop ├── screensavers │   ├── abstractile.desktop │   ├── anemone.desktop │   ├── anemotaxis.desktop │   ├── antinspect.desktop │   ├── antmaze.desktop │   ├── antspotlight.desktop │   ├── apollonian.desktop │   ├── apple2.desktop │   ├── atlantis.desktop │   ├── attraction.desktop │   ├── atunnel.desktop │   ├── barcode.desktop │   ├── blaster.desktop │   ├── blinkbox.desktop │   ├── blitspin.desktop │   ├── blocktube.desktop │   ├── boing.desktop │   ├── bouboule.desktop │   ├── bouncingcow.desktop │   ├── boxed.desktop │   ├── boxfit.desktop │   ├── braid.desktop │   ├── bubble3d.desktop │   ├── bumps.desktop │   ├── cage.desktop │   ├── carousel.desktop │   ├── ccurve.desktop │   ├── celtic.desktop │   ├── circuit.desktop │   ├── cloudlife.desktop │   ├── companioncube.desktop │   ├── compass.desktop │   ├── coral.desktop │   ├── crackberg.desktop │   ├── crystal.desktop │   ├── cube21.desktop │   ├── cubenetic.desktop │   ├── cubestorm.desktop │   ├── cubicgrid.desktop │   ├── cwaves.desktop │   ├── cynosure.desktop │   ├── dangerball.desktop │   ├── decayscreen.desktop │   ├── deco.desktop │   ├── deluxe.desktop │   ├── demon.desktop │   ├── discrete.desktop │   ├── distort.desktop │   ├── drift.desktop │   ├── endgame.desktop │   ├── engine.desktop │   ├── epicycle.desktop │   ├── eruption.desktop │   ├── euler2d.desktop │   ├── extrusion.desktop │   ├── fadeplot.desktop │   ├── fiberlamp.desktop │   ├── fireworkx.desktop │   ├── flame.desktop │   ├── flipflop.desktop │   ├── flipscreen3d.desktop │   ├── fliptext.desktop │   ├── flow.desktop │   ├── fluidballs.desktop │   ├── flurry.desktop │   ├── flyingtoasters.desktop │   ├── fontglide.desktop │   ├── fuzzyflakes.desktop │   ├── galaxy.desktop │   ├── gears.desktop │   ├── gflux.desktop │   ├── glblur.desktop │   ├── glcells.desktop │   ├── gleidescope.desktop │   ├── glhanoi.desktop │   ├── glknots.desktop │   ├── glmatrix.desktop │   ├── glplanet.desktop │   ├── glschool.desktop │   ├── glslideshow.desktop │   ├── glsnake.desktop │   ├── gltext.desktop │   ├── goop.desktop │   ├── grav.desktop │   ├── greynetic.desktop │   ├── halftone.desktop │   ├── halo.desktop │   ├── helix.desktop │   ├── hilbert.desktop │   ├── hopalong.desktop │   ├── hypertorus.desktop │   ├── hypnowheel.desktop │   ├── ifs.desktop │   ├── imsmap.desktop │   ├── interaggregate.desktop │   ├── interference.desktop │   ├── intermomentary.desktop │   ├── jigglypuff.desktop │   ├── jigsaw.desktop │   ├── juggler3d.desktop │   ├── julia.desktop │   ├── kaleidescope.desktop │   ├── klein.desktop │   ├── kumppa.desktop │   ├── lament.desktop │   ├── lavalite.desktop │   ├── lcdscrub.desktop │   ├── lockward.desktop │   ├── loop.desktop │   ├── m6502.desktop │   ├── maze.desktop │   ├── memscroller.desktop │   ├── menger.desktop │   ├── metaballs.desktop │   ├── mirrorblob.desktop │   ├── moebius.desktop │   ├── moebiusgears.desktop │   ├── moire2.desktop │   ├── moire.desktop │   ├── molecule.desktop │   ├── morph3d.desktop │   ├── mountain.desktop │   ├── munch.desktop │   ├── nerverot.desktop │   ├── noof.desktop │   ├── noseguy.desktop │   ├── pacman.desktop │   ├── pedal.desktop │   ├── penetrate.desktop │   ├── penrose.desktop │   ├── petri.desktop │   ├── phosphor.desktop │   ├── photopile.desktop │   ├── piecewise.desktop │   ├── pinion.desktop │   ├── pipes.desktop │   ├── polyhedra.desktop │   ├── polyominoes.desktop │   ├── polytopes.desktop │   ├── pong.desktop │   ├── providence.desktop │   ├── pulsar.desktop │   ├── pyro.desktop │   ├── qix.desktop │   ├── queens.desktop │   ├── rd-bomb.desktop │   ├── ripples.desktop │   ├── rocks.desktop │   ├── rorschach.desktop │   ├── rotzoomer.desktop │   ├── rubikblocks.desktop │   ├── rubik.desktop │   ├── sballs.desktop │   ├── shadebobs.desktop │   ├── sierpinski3d.desktop │   ├── sierpinski.desktop │   ├── skytentacles.desktop │   ├── slidescreen.desktop │   ├── slip.desktop │   ├── sonar.desktop │   ├── speedmine.desktop │   ├── spheremonics.desktop │   ├── spotlight.desktop │   ├── sproingies.desktop │   ├── squiral.desktop │   ├── stairs.desktop │   ├── starfish.desktop │   ├── starwars.desktop │   ├── stonerview.desktop │   ├── strange.desktop │   ├── substrate.desktop │   ├── superquadrics.desktop │   ├── surfaces.desktop │   ├── swirl.desktop │   ├── tangram.desktop │   ├── thornbird.desktop │   ├── timetunnel.desktop │   ├── topblock.desktop │   ├── triangle.desktop │   ├── tronbit.desktop │   ├── truchet.desktop │   ├── twang.desktop │   ├── vermiculate.desktop │   ├── vidwhacker.desktop │   ├── voronoi.desktop │   ├── wander.desktop │   ├── whirlwindwarp.desktop │   ├── wormhole.desktop │   ├── xanalogtv.desktop │   ├── xflame.desktop │   ├── xjack.desktop │   ├── xlyap.desktop │   ├── xmatrix.desktop │   ├── xrayswarm.desktop │   ├── xspirograph.desktop │   └── zoom.desktop ├── seahorse.desktop ├── signon-ui-browser-process.desktop ├── simple-scan.desktop ├── smplayer.desktop ├── smplayer_enqueue.desktop ├── synaptic.desktop ├── synaptic-kde.desktop ├── system-config-printer.desktop ├── thunderbird.desktop ├── tomboy.desktop ├── totem.desktop ├── transmission-gtk.desktop ├── vino-preferences.desktop ├── vlc.desktop ├── wireshark.desktop └── yelp.desktop

2 directories, 354 files

zummuz commented 8 years ago

Are you using Numix Circle?


If so , try updating icon cache. sudo gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/Numix-Circle/

Ok, I just did. What should it do?

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

Icon themes create a cache file, when you do change something on the theme you need to always refreshing the icon cache. You can find more details by googling that.

If the icons are still not fixed, i think that we are not modifying the right desktop files..Can you do some searches? Here's a list of where you can find desktop files

zummuz commented 8 years ago

Icon themes create a cache file, when you do change something on the theme you need to always refreshing the icon cache. You can find more details by googling that.

Yeah, I've googled a bit before asking, and understood this action serves for optimization. I'll google more later.

There are no such folders: /usr/local/share/applications/ /usr/local/share/applications/kde4 ~/.local/share/applications/kde4

and ~/.local/share/applications/ contains one desktop file (serapp-gedit-EPRCAY.desktop)

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

Can you try an application like Menulibre to edit desktop files and see if you can change those icons?

zummuz commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I've successfully changed icon for Software Sources with random picture from ~/Pictures edit: and for Software Manager too I'm leaving, thanks for the help, I'll be back tomorrow

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

I'm really out of ideas...Mint was always a pain to fix, i don't know why they don't follow any standards..

zummuz commented 8 years ago

Okay, there are two types of icons for Drivers and Sources, icons work in the settings window and don't work in kickoff panel: screenshot from 2016-01-01 11 30 10 Then I just copied and renamed /usr/share/icons/Numixfolder/scalable/apps/youtube.svg to /usr/share/icons/Numixfolder/scalable/apps/mintinstall.svg: screenshot from 2016-01-01 11 34 49 So I guess there should be added 3 regular (not hardcoded fixed) icons with names mintdrivers.svg, mintinstall.svg and mintsources.svg.

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

Well your icons were never hardcoded dude...Just few missing symlinks.. @Foggalong Please revert my latest commit..

zummuz commented 8 years ago

I was told that they are, and there are similar icons in the list of supported ones. Anyway, this symlinks will be added/fixed or should I report them to Numix-Circle?

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

The best thing is to report them to Numix Circle; Well because in older version those icons were hardcoded; i think they are not hardcoded anymore

zummuz commented 8 years ago

Okay, thanks btw, multiple icons should be reported in one issue or in a separate ones?

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

See this

palob commented 8 years ago

@bil-elmoussaoui Why reverting?

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

@palob Those were not hardcoded at all..and the hardcoded icon line, is just a normal location for icons like /usr/share/icons/

palob commented 8 years ago

As far as I can see it was usr/share/pixmaps. Anyway, any line which does't work with SVG icons in either /usr/share/icons/Numix/ or ~/.local/share/icons/Numix or ~/.icons/Numix is to be considered hardcoded. The entry won't do any harm.

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

Icon=mintdrivers : this the icon line (/usr/share/pixmaps/mintdrivers.svg) this is the icon location in his desktop Well, it won't do any harm as you said ;)