Open Foggalong opened 8 years ago
Electrum, Linphone, Jitsi, Codelite, multibootusb, Pasaffe, Syncthing-GTK are fixed upstream. I've reported a while ago.
Emacs, FMIT, openSCAD and Scribus (and probably more) are distribution/packaging issues. Not hardcoded upstream.
I've also reported wxMEdit, APX, GTick and Komodo Edit but it hasn't been changed yet.
@Foggalong Telegram icon is fixed :
In addition to the ones above there are some more which aren't hardcoded upstream (anymore): FreeCAD, Fritzing, GNOME Weather, Pamac, Scilab
Linssid: I've reported some time ago (2015-03-12):
However my explanation was not near good as the @palob's explanation. So if you want to complement in the topic feel free to do it.
pgadmin3 from developer's website:
Note: pgAdmin III is no longer being developed, and no further bugs will be fixed. Please do not log pgAdmin III issues on the pgAdmin 4 bug tracker.
Lincity-NG: seems fixed on this commit: (mar, 2013)
Master PDF Editor bumped to version 4, possible addition to the csv:
Master PDF Editor 4,masterpdfeditor4,/opt/master-pdf-editor-4/masterpdfeditor4.png,master-pdf-editor
@nmehta001 That's not something for this issue, that's a new addition as far as the list is concerned
zenmap and zenmap (root): The desktop file it's not hardcoded: (zenmap on nmap 7.40 stable)
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=GUI Port Scanner
Exec=zenmap %F
Comment=A cross-platform GUI for the Nmap Security Scanner.
nmap-7.40.tar.bz2: zenmap/install_scripts/unix/zenmap.desktop
nmap-7.40.tar.bz2: zenmap/install_scripts/unix/zenmap-root.desktop
Update: Actually there are two packages that it's possible install zenmap from, first from source or from a separate package (.rpm only).
On sources (.tar.bz2):
On zenmap .rpm:
Then, no fixed yet for all users.
The end goal of the fixer is to stop hardcoded icons existing and the best way to deal with that is to report them to the upstream developer. So far there are massive gaps where this hasn't been done so I'm opening an issue to officially get in on the todo list. Note this issue isn't about getting the upstream issues fixed, just reporting them.