FoglyOgly / Meowth

A Discord helper bot for Pokemon Go communities.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Leaderboard Enhancements #211

Open RetroEvolute opened 6 years ago

RetroEvolute commented 6 years ago

I love the leaderboard feature that was added, but would like to see a couple enhancements.

I run a discord server for my town, but unfortunately, most people in our community are still using Group Me for their raid and team communications, regardless of the discord having so many more awesome features, mostly due to Meowth 2.0! The enhancements I'd like to see to leaderboard are to hopefully get people a bit more engaged and to make a more permanent move to discord and using Meowth's features:

  1. Scheduled leaderboard posts by Meowth - This doesn't have to be complex scheduling, but it'd be really nice if Meowth could pop in daily, weekly, or monthly (or never) to a particular channel and post the current leaderboard. This would take some of the effort off me to remember to do this, and get people acquainted with and provide some incentive for reporting raids, wilds, and research.

  2. Exclude certain users from the general leaderboard - As of right now, I'm the primary user reporting raids since not everyone is switched over from Group Me or familiar with Meowth's commands yet. Because of this, I'm always at the top of the leaderboard, so I kind of look like some weirdo obsessed with his own stats whenever I currently post the leaderboard. I want other people to be engaged and compete with each other and not be disengaged by my insurmountable score. This feature could also be used to remove users from the leaderboard who may be submitting false raids to buff their scores, although that's never occurred on my server.

Please consider these additions, and thanks a ton for such an awesome bot!

scragly commented 5 years ago

Scheduled leaderboard posts by Meowth

Our current version of Meowth isn't the best to look into implementing this, as we're limited on how many configurations we can save and implement. However we can consider the idea for the next major version as we're upgrading to a better config handler and data storage method, so will be much less constricted. Will have to discuss the idea though among the devs and with the community to get an idea on demand and priority.

Exclude certain users from the general leaderboard

Leaderboard blacklist isn't a terrible idea. Same considerations as above regarding configuration limitations, but is much more likely to be implemented sooner with the new version.

We will provide an update here at a later time when we've begun considering adding it, what the results are after discussions and any status of implementation if it goes ahead.

Thanks for the suggestions!