Closed Vovkiv closed 1 year ago
Look good?
Yes, it is much better now. Tho, it MIGHT (or not) worth include something about countries codes (like this or even full list of all available languages (like this one because, while there exist "ru" locale, there at least 5 variations of it by countries/republics/etc: ru-BY, ru-KG, ru-KZ, ru-RU, ru-TJ. And other languages also has them.
Done, think we're good now.
(Until weblate (or other platform) will be used for translations) There high chance, that someone who want to contribute, never heard about ".po", ".pot" files, how to check their translation in-program or even don't know how to make pull request (or what is pull request is, fork). So, it's better to cover this users:
they might see "xgettext: command not found", so it's worth mention that to generate pot user need "gettext" package to actually do that (or, at least it's called in Fedora as such. Maybe on other distros it has different name, idk)I'm writing this from perspective, that i myself learned how to do all of this stuff fairly recently and learning process itself was quite painful, since most devs don't even put any instructions. They already assume that you know all of this.