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WU has timeslot issue or run out of time #1684

Open iceira opened 2 years ago

iceira commented 2 years ago

Either you have a serious time caculation issue or small timeslot for unit to be done in.

i just notice at this block, something take extra longtime to be done, in fact i have calculatted on it, if i do 8hour night work only then your time index cant be done, so you can ask yourself here have you even learn basic math, are did you not pass that. level, well maybe that why so many leave this project, we do use pc in daytime. im sure i can find other better project that have a better timeslot window,

you are not in controll over my pc, have a nice day , maybe then all leave you project, so you can get it.

iceira commented 2 years ago

My computer has 18 hours 17 mins to complete this work unit.

12 hours 34 mins apox ETA, ( not enough time to do it if i use my pc. ) learn basic math, there isno reason why i should not have a week to such a long block or hard one , most dont screwup or crash lost calc , whatever cause this i dont know, there was a powercut yesterday fuse burnout.

and that is still your problem not mine, i did not set that timeslot index.