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WebControl Client stat link not working #1685

Closed CoolAEW closed 2 years ago

CoolAEW commented 2 years ago

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Your Environment

Expected Behavior

Clicking the "See Stats" button on the Client Web Control page should go to my donor stats page (

Current Behavior

Clicking the "See Stats" button on the Client Web Control tries to go to "" with my username at the end instead of my donor ID number.

Possible Solution (Optional)

Change the program to use donor ID instead of donor name in the link or make the stats page work with donor ID and donor name

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Start folding client
  2. Open Web Control
  3. Click "See Stats" next to Points earned


I want to easily view my donor stats from the web control.

jcoffland commented 2 years ago


jcoffland commented 2 years ago

This is a duplicate of #1664.