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Refactor display into multiple programs; make shaders available from userland; run code on subprocesses #103

Closed osnr closed 10 months ago

osnr commented 11 months ago

The display primitives (text, triangles, circles, lines, polygons) are now in separate programs in virtual-programs/display/, which is easier to read and patch and more idiomatic.

(Virtual programs can now live in subfolders like /display/ and will be picked up by the system, other than the _archive subfolder.)

They all use wishes as their interface; all Display:: calls have been deprecated and produce a visible warning above any program that uses them. The new wishes generally have optional parameters (color, fill, radians, etc).

Examples from shapes.folk:

  Wish $this draws a circle
  Wish $this draws a triangle with color skyblue
  Wish $this draws a triangle with color green offset {280 0}
  Wish $this draws a pentagon with color gold offset {200 0}
  Wish $this draws an octagon with color red offset {250 80}

  When the clock time is /t/ {
    set offsetVector [list [sin $t] [cos $t]]
    set offsetVector [::vec2::scale $offsetVector 105]
    Wish $this draws a circle with color palegoldenrod offset $offsetVector

  # This toggles a square between filled and unfilled
  When $this has region /r/ & the clock time is /t/ {
    lassign [region centroid $r] x y
    set fill [expr {round(sin($t) * 2) % 2 == 0}]
    set y [- $y 150]
    Wish to draw a shape with sides 4 center [list [- $x 100] $y] radius 60 color white filled $fill

(Arcs and shapes and sprites and fonts have all been ported to the new way of doing things.)

dict_getdef has been added, which is used pervasively through the new display wishes, along with rest patterns from #94, to implement those optional parameters.

Subprocess code deployment has changed. You boot a subprocess now with Start process NAME, like:

Start process cool {
  Wish $::thisProcess shares statements like [list /someone/ wishes /z/ is labelled /x/]
  Wish $this is labelled "Hello!"

You can send more code to an already-existing subprocess with On process NAME:

On process cool {
  Wish $this is labelled "Wow"

This is used to deploy code from individual programs to the GPU process without it all having to be in one monolithic file anymore.

There are some catches / ugly bits: process names are global & you now have to explicitly opt into all sharing (either share or receive); there's no sharing by default anymore.

You can now write arbitrary shaders from programs. There aren't great helpers for this yet, like shading a region or anything like that, so you need to work in projector coordinates by hand for now. Let me know what you think would be useful to have.

Here is a very basic and not very useful shader that you can just paste as a virtual program (or print). It will color a triangle underneath itself green-blue.

Wish the GPU compiles pipeline "$this's triangle" {
    {vec2 p0 vec2 p1 vec2 p2} {
        vec2 vertices[4] = vec2[4](p0, p1, p2, p0);
        return vertices[gl_VertexIndex];
    } {
        return vec4(0, 0.1, 0.1, 1);

Wish $this is outlined blue
When $this has region /r/ {
    set r' [region move $r down 100%]
    Wish the GPU draws pipeline "$this's triangle" with arguments [list {*}[lrange [region vertices ${r'}] 0 2]]

See for more info about the shader source object that you pass to the pipeline compilation wish. Also see the implementations of drawing primitives in virtual-programs/display/*.folk.

Notice how you compile the pipeline once (when the program is put down), and then it gets executed repeatedly (whenever the program's region changes).

I'm noticing a moderate performance regression here, where this branch hovers between 50-55fps instead of being solidly at 60fps; the evaluator on the display subprocess seems to be much slower (10-12ms per frame) now. Would like to fix this before merging... let me know how much of a problem it is for you.

nmichaud commented 11 months ago

I see startup errors on virtual-programs/shapes.folk:

Error in virtual-programs/shapes.folk, match m89:0: wrong # args: should be "apply lambdaExpr this shapes p a shape options"
wrong # args: should be "apply lambdaExpr this shapes p a shape options"
    while executing
"apply $lambda {*}$env"
    invoked from within
"time {set ret [apply $lambda {*}$env]}"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel [list time $body]"
    (procedure "baretime" line 1)
    invoked from within
"baretime {set ret [apply $lambda {*}$env]}"
    (procedure "runInSerializedEnvironment" line 9)
    invoked from within
"runInSerializedEnvironment $lambda $env"

Is shapes.folk supposed to work with the new approach?

osnr commented 11 months ago

I see startup errors on virtual-programs/shapes.folk:

Error in virtual-programs/shapes.folk, match m89:0: wrong # args: should be "apply lambdaExpr this shapes p a shape options"
wrong # args: should be "apply lambdaExpr this shapes p a shape options"
    while executing
"apply $lambda {*}$env"
    invoked from within
"time {set ret [apply $lambda {*}$env]}"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel [list time $body]"
    (procedure "baretime" line 1)
    invoked from within
"baretime {set ret [apply $lambda {*}$env]}"
    (procedure "runInSerializedEnvironment" line 9)
    invoked from within
"runInSerializedEnvironment $lambda $env"

Is shapes.folk supposed to work with the new approach?

Yes -- I think that's an overzealous match where shapes and sprites collide, it should be ignorable (but we should fix it)

nmichaud commented 11 months ago

This is great! It was pretty easy to port my current set of interesting programs

osnr commented 11 months ago

Open questions / notes (will update this over time):

Things to do:

nmichaud commented 11 months ago

I'm partial to the Wish to draw syntax as being a bit agnostic to what is doing the drawing. I feel like most folk drawing should be done composed as drawing programs (which would then make it easy to federate?)

osnr commented 11 months ago

I'm going to punt on some of the user-facing shader language stuff until next PR (including resource management questions). The main remaining thing is performance (currently 45-55fps instead of a solid 60).

The bottleneck is the glyph / text shaping loop in display/text.folk (you can see for yourself by returning before the actual GPU render wish -- it's just as slow -- and then returning before the whole loop -- performance gets way better). 'Easy' solution is to rewrite in C. Will think about it tomorrow.

osnr commented 10 months ago

Performance is now comparable (within 5fps better/worse depending on context) to main for me, so I'll merge it.