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Move back to the Mintbean server #3

Open monarchwadia opened 3 years ago

monarchwadia commented 3 years ago

Brandon's view: Cons: Organizationally, if it's part of the big server, it could decrease visibility. Pros: It feels more a part of Mintbean

Monarch: On one hand, we're removing energy from the main Mintbean Discord. On the other hand, the energy in MOS is not being captured / used towards the main Mintbean Discord.

Erica: Things should be publicly visible to the whole server for all clubs. Nothing should be hidden. Private clubs of MOS should be left in the other server as public channels.

Navi: Having a separate server is bad idea. That excited energy isn't circulating in the main server, weakening the main server. Private clubs of MOS should also be in the main server, but in a private channel. Leaders need more control over the server, like creating channels.

monarchwadia commented 3 years ago

All agreed, we should move. Brandon abstains.

WHEN to move?

Navi: Within the week Erica: We can't move before Saturday because we need to explain verbally. John: Agree ^ Brandon: Agree ^ Chris: Monarch:

Agreed, we can't move before Saturday. We'll share the news with the community on Saturday's meeting. Meantime, Navi will head the move from the organizers side, and will facilitate.

Brandon+Navi+Monarch: Discord moderation is horrible and easy to mess up. We need to be careful what permissions we give to whom.

monarchwadia commented 3 years ago

Keeping open