Closed rrthomas closed 9 months ago
Further, if running with DEBUG=yes
, the error message in traceback just becomes the rather obscure #<Mh>
Hi, I'm unfortunately not able to reproduce this using the following code (in a new node.js project with fontoxpath 3.30.2):
const f = require('fontoxpath');
let e = null;
try {
f.evaluateXPathToBoolean('fn:error("test")', null);
} catch (err) {
e = err;
stringified: e.toString(),
message: e.message,
instanceOfError: e instanceof Error
Results in:
stringified: 'Error: XPTY0004 Unable to cast argument of type xs:string to type xs:QName? while calling error',
message: 'XPTY0004 Unable to cast argument of type xs:string to type xs:QName? while calling error',
instanceOfError: true
Perhaps you have a minifier on your end that's causing trouble here?
I'm not using a minifier as far as I know (plain TypeScript compilation in a Node project). I've not changed anything in my build system since it last worked. I can find the "Mh" symbol in the distributed fontoxpath dist/fontoxpath.esm.js
, which is minified.
Hmm, that seems to correspond to the internal StackTraceEntry
class, which is supposed to remain internal as it should be caught and converted to a proper error. It seems we might have missed a spot there. Are you able to provide more details on the specific API / XPath being used here (or maybe even a stack trace?) to help track down where we missed a catch?
Sure! Will see what I can do. I have confirmed that if I run identical code with 3.30.2 and 3.28.2 then the serialization works with 3.28.2 but not 3.30.2. I'll see if I can get a backtrace now.
With 3.30.2:
(node:860382) ExperimentalWarning: `--experimental-loader` may be removed in the future; instead use `register()`:
--import 'data:text/javascript,import { register } from "node:module"; import { pathToFileURL } from "node:url"; register("ts-node/esm", pathToFileURL("./"));'
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
Mh {
location: {
start: { offset: 113, line: 5, ha: 1 },
end: { offset: 114, line: 5, ha: 2 }
o: '',
Wa: '',
h: Error: XPST0003: Failed to parse script. Expected ;
at jq (/home/rrt/Software/ruth/node_modules/fontoxpath/dist/fontoxpath.js:403:726)
at Wu (/home/rrt/Software/ruth/node_modules/fontoxpath/dist/fontoxpath.js:567:206)
at loadModule (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:40:5)
at objToNode (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:194:25)
at file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:165:60
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at objToNode (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:165:23)
at Expander.dirTreeToXml (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:209:26)
at new XmlDir (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:98:27)
at new Expander (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:233:8)
at file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/cli.ts:36:5
at (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:218:25)
at async ModuleLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:329:24)
at async loadESM (node:internal/process/esm_loader:34:7)
at async handleMainPromise (node:internal/modules/run_main:113:12)
With 3.28.2:
(node:865019) ExperimentalWarning: `--experimental-loader` may be removed in the future; instead use `register()`:
--import 'data:text/javascript,import { register } from "node:module"; import { pathToFileURL } from "node:url"; register("ts-node/esm", pathToFileURL("./"));'
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
[n]:[]),[r])}),wu=T.complete(U(vu,W));return function(n,r){m.clear();r=wu(n,r);for(var E=1,ea=1,oa=0;oa<n.length+1;oa++){if(m.has(oa)){var Ka=m.get(oa);Ka.line=ea;}Ka=n[oa];"\r"===Ka||"\n"===Ka?(ea++,E=1):E++}return r}}var Iq=Hq({ub:!1,Xa:!1}),Jq=Hq({ub:!0,Xa:!1}),Kq=Hq({ub:!1,Xa:!0}),Lq=Hq({ub:!0,Xa:!0});function Mq(a,b){var c=!!b.aa;b=!!b.debug;mp.clear();np.clear();Gq.clear();c=c?b?Lq(a,0):Kq(a,0):b?Jq(a,0):Iq(a,0);if(!0===c.success)return c.value;throw Error("XPST0003: Failed to parse '"+a+"' expected: "+c.expected+"\n"+(a.slice(0,c.offset)+"[Error is around here]"+a.slice(c.offset)));};var Nq="".split(" ");
Error: XPST0003: Failed to parse '(: Some syntactically-invalid XQuery: missing semicolon at end of function :)
declare function foo() {
' expected: end of input
(: Some syntactically-invalid XQuery: missing semicolon at end of function :)
declare [Error is around here]function foo() {
at Mq (/home/rrt/Software/ruth/node_modules/fontoxpath/dist/fontoxpath.js:474:469)
at yv (/home/rrt/Software/ruth/node_modules/fontoxpath/dist/fontoxpath.js:600:237)
at loadModule (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:40:5)
at objToNode (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:194:25)
at file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:165:60
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at objToNode (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:165:23)
at Expander.dirTreeToXml (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:209:26)
at new XmlDir (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:98:27)
at new Expander (file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/index.ts:233:8)
at file:///home/rrt/Software/ruth/src/cli.ts:36:5
at (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:218:25)
at async ModuleLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:329:24)
at async loadESM (node:internal/process/esm_loader:34:7)
at async handleMainPromise (node:internal/modules/run_main:113:12)
Aha, thanks for that! It looks like registerXQueryModule
is missing a catch-and-rethrow around its attempt to parse the input.
In past versions of fontoxpath, exceptions would stringify to the error message. This seems no longer to be the case; they just give the dreaded
[object Object]
.I can recover the error message by printing
(in version 3.30.2), but that's fragile and depends on the minification of the exception object.