Foo-Foo-MQ / foo-foo-mq

Abstractions around RabbitMQ
MIT License
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Some properties are not supported by foo-foo-mq ( eg. priority ) #46

Closed shifubrams closed 7 months ago

shifubrams commented 1 year ago

Hello, in the documentation, here, it is mentionned that all the properties available are in this example. But, i tried to put priority ( enforced the typing ) and it ignores it.

Is it possible to manage priority as the package is ? If not, can you please add this field to the publish options ?

List of the supported rabbitmq properties :


Example :

try {
      await this.rabbit.publish("my-exchange", {
        priority: 7, // tried to put the property in the root of options
        properties: {
          priority: 5  // tried to put the property in a "properties" field of options
        headers: {priority: "10"}, // tried to put the property as a header field, it's added but not considered as a property
        body: { "f1":"v1" },
      } as PublishOptions);
} catch (error) {

This example above gives this message in rabbit :


Using : rabbitmq : v3.8.3 foo-foo-mq : v8.0.0 NodeJS : 18

shifubrams commented 1 year ago

a solution would be to append this object to take in account the official properties like priority. ( tested and working ).

  const publishOptions = {
    type: message.type || '',
    contentType: contentType,
    contentEncoding: 'utf8',
    correlationId: message.correlationId || '',
    replyTo: message.replyTo || || '',
    messageId: message.messageId || || '',
    timestamp: message.timestamp ||,
    appId: message.appId ||,
    headers: message.headers || {},
    expiration: message.expiresAfter || undefined,
    mandatory: message.mandatory || false,
    priority: message.priority || undefined
zlintz commented 1 year ago

@shifubrams please open a pull request for this

zlintz commented 1 year ago

Also if you don't mind including the appropriate documentation updates that would be great

shifubrams commented 1 year ago

@zlintz can we just open a branch on this repo to avoid forking the whole repo ? I get a 403 when i want to push my branch

shifubrams commented 7 months ago

can i have a follow up on this please ?

zlintz commented 7 months ago

Sure I’ll take a look at the repo settings today.

zlintz commented 7 months ago

You should be able to now

shifubrams commented 7 months ago

hello, sorry i was able to create the branch but not to push on it.
