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errors #1

Closed girs1982 closed 1 year ago

girs1982 commented 1 year ago

have errors need help


i want write my starline decode metods for gnu radio, i have arduino code in my repo, help start yours app, it must will base

girs1982 commented 1 year ago


Foo-Manroot commented 1 year ago


Sorry, I don't really understand your comment; but it looks like your're having some problems with the Python version (you're using Python3, and the block was developed in Python2).

Please, check the new versions (should be and/or ) and close this issue if it solves your problem

BTW: You should consider cropping your screenshots, there are for example private conversations there that you might not want to make public...

girs1982 commented 1 year ago


i runn it , now i need done it wait sec

girs1982 commented 1 year ago

now i need append timers how in it (it starline and keeloq arduino lib) i want port it to gnuradio

and preambule , but not fully anderstand this code

image my esp8266 base scaner , now i whant port it

girs1982 commented 1 year ago

self.rising_timestamps += [ (x + self.time_delta) for x in rising ] self.falling_timestamps += [ (x + self.time_delta) for x in falling ]

        # Process the edges when there's at least one burst (rising + falling edges)
        if (len (self.rising_timestamps) == len (self.falling_timestamps)
            len (self.rising_timestamps) >= 1
            len (self.falling_timestamps) >= 1

            for rise, fall in zip (self.rising_timestamps, self.falling_timestamps):
                diff = fall - rise

                if diff < self.threshold:
                    # Short burst
                    self.packet.append ("0")
                    # Long burst
                    self.packet.append ("1")

i think i need rewrite it

how detect microsecond?

.time_delta -- microsecond , dont fully understand yours logic ,can you help?

girs1982 commented 1 year ago

i half done but need last rx 1 , modied code for starline , need help it have reactions on starline codes, but it not full done,NEED smal HELP

modifed code --------------------------------------

""" Embedded Python Blocks:

Each this file is saved, GRC will instantiate the first class it finds to get ports and parameters of your block. The arguments to init will be the parameters. All of them are required to have default values! """ import time import numpy as np from gnuradio import gr

class blk (gr.sync_block): """ Block to decode the data on an already squared signal, comprised of 0's and 1's. """

def __init__ (self
            , baseband_freq = 600
            , sample_rate = 2e6
            , sink_file = None):  # only default arguments here

        baseband_freq -> Frequency of the baseband signal

        sample_rate -> Number of samples per second

        sink_file -> File to dump the packets. If it's 'None', prints them on STDOUT
        name = 'OOK to bin sink',
        in_sig = [np.float32],
        out_sig = []

    # Number of samples to discern long and short bursts
    #   sample_rate / baseband_freq = samples_per_period
    self.threshold = (sample_rate / baseband_freq) / 2

    self.sink_file = sink_file

    self.time_delta = 0 # Timer to measure the time between edges

    # Lists to store timestamps of rising and falling edges
    self.rising_timestamps = []
    self.falling_timestamps = []

    # Last sample of the previous frame to handle the edge case of one fram ending
    # with 0 and the following starting with 1 (thus, not detecting a rising edge)
    self.previous_sample = 0

    # Counter to determine the end of a packet. If more than (2 * threshold) samples
    # are set to 0, the packet is done
    self.allzero_count = 0
    self.starline_counter_pre = 0
    self.starline_counter = 0
    self.staline_state = 0

    self.packet = [] # List to store the bits of the packet

def dump_packet (self):
    Dumps the packet captured on the output file (or STDOUT)
    bin_str = str (time.time ()) + ": \t" + "".join (self.packet)

    if not self.sink_file:
        #print (bin_str)

        #print (self.sink_file)
        with open (self.sink_file, "a") as f:
            f.write (bin_str + "\n")

    self.packet = []

def work (self, input_items, *args, **kwargs):
    Processing done to retrieve the binary string from the squared signal.

        input_items -> Array with the items from the previous block

        The length of the processed input array
    samples = input_items [0]
    diff = np.diff (samples)

    # Gets the indices of rising and falling edges
    falling = np.where (diff == -1)[0]
    rising = np.where (diff == 1)[0]
    bValidPacket = False
    # Takes care of an edge at the beginning
    if (self.previous_sample != samples [0]):
        if samples [0] == 0:
            # Falling edge
            falling = np.append (0, falling)
            # Raising edge
            rising = np.append (0, rising)

    self.previous_sample = samples [len (samples) - 1]

    # If the signal is flat, skips the rest of the processing
    if (len (rising) <= 0
        len (falling) <= 0
        if samples [0] == 0:
            # All 0's
            self.allzero_count += len (samples)

            if (self.allzero_count > (2 * self.threshold)
                len (self.packet) > 0
                # End of a packet
                self.dump_packet ()

            return len (samples)
            # All 1's
            self.allzero_count = 0
            self.time_delta += len (samples)
            return len (samples)
        self.allzero_count = 0

        self.rising_timestamps += [ (x + self.time_delta) for x in rising ]
        self.falling_timestamps += [ (x + self.time_delta) for x in falling ]

        # Process the edges when there's at least one burst (rising + falling edges)
        if (len (self.rising_timestamps) == len (self.falling_timestamps)
            len (self.rising_timestamps) >= 1
            len (self.falling_timestamps) >= 1

            for rise, fall in zip (self.rising_timestamps, self.falling_timestamps):
                diff = fall - rise
                bValidPacket = False
                if (diff >900 and diff <1100 and self.staline_state ==0):
                   #print("starline preambule")
                   self.starline_counter_pre +=1
                   if self.starline_counter_pre == 6:
                      print("starline preambule")
                      self.staline_state =1
                elif (self.staline_state==1 and diff >350 and diff <650):                        
                      self.packet.append ("B00000000")
                      bValidPacket = True
                elif (self.staline_state==1 and diff >150 and diff <350):
                      self.packet.append ("B00000001")
                      bValidPacket = True
                if (bValidPacket ==True): 
                      #bin_strstar = str (self.packet)
                      self.packet = []

            #    if diff < self.threshold:
                    # Short burst
              #      self.packet.append ("0")
            #    else:
                    # Long burst
             #       self.packet.append ("1")

                # Removes the processed timestamps
                self.rising_timestamps.remove (rise)
                self.falling_timestamps.remove (fall)

            # If both lists are empty, the counter can be resetted
            if (len (self.rising_timestamps) == 0
                len (self.falling_timestamps) == 0
                self.time_delta = 0

        self.time_delta += len (samples)

    return len (samples)
Foo-Manroot commented 1 year ago


I don't mean to be rude, but I really don't understand you

If you need help (which I might not even be able to provide), you will need to explain yourself better, sorry

girs1982 commented 1 year ago


I don't mean to be rude, but I really don't understand you

If you need help (which I might not even be able to provide), you will need to explain yourself better, sorry

Hi i done starline car signal decodder , i have my done arduino library for it, now i whant do it on gnuradio, for level up, and gnuradio library for all, i was take your code and modify , but not all has done, need small help , need know last rx byte ,how it done in yours code? and for understand me, you must see my code and pictures, and see my device on esp8266

video and source in this example cc1101 transmitter ,have on simple transmiter too

esp32 mod

Foo-Manroot commented 1 year ago

Ok, I see... Since you already have it written, I'd suggest to simply use your C code to create your own module, which would be way more easy and efficient than my shitty Python implementation.

You can check these out: and

girs1982 commented 1 year ago

Ok, I see... Since you already have it written, I'd suggest to simply use your C code to create your own module, which would be way more easy and efficient than my shitty Python implementation.

You can check these out: and

but i noob in gnuradio, if you help will be great